
Abortion Is Not Healthcare

At a Glance

What's this about?

This campaign shares the stories of Irish mothers — stories that prove that abortion is NOT healthcare and is never medically necessary.

Real Healthcare SAVES Lives

Pro-abortion advocates, medics and the media are constantly proclaiming that pregnant Irish womens' lives are in danger because of the 8th Amendment. Nothing could be further from the truth. All woman are entitled to the same treatment whether they are pregnant or not. If pregnant women's lives are in danger in Irish hospitals, it is because of mismanagement, cuts to services and non adherence to protocols which saves lives. Blaming our abortion laws (or lack of them) is sloppy and in itself endangers womens lives as it ignores the real problems.


I underwent treatment for cancer while pregnant.

I was almost three months pregnant with my second baby in September 2012 when I felt a lump on my neck. I went to the GP the very next day and he told me it was a benign cyst and put me on the waiting list to see the ear, nose and throat doctor. I would be scheduled an appointment in the new year.

Time went by and the lump was getting bigger and new lumps were forming on my neck. I went to all my pre-natal appointments and everything with the baby was fine. It wasn't until late October that my consultant saw the lump in my neck and asked me what it was. I said the GP had assessed it was a benign cyst. She said it must be checked out.

I went a couple weeks later and first heard the words, "we think its cancer." I had to undergo surgery while pregnant at six months. The doctors came back with their findings that I had Hodgkins Lymphoma stage four. It had spread to my lungs, liver, and spleen.

This was before abortion was made legal here in Ireland, before that tragic law was passed and so everyone at Our Lady of Lourdes was going to do everything they could to save me and my little baby. There was hope for the two of us. I was only able to do certain tests to protect the life and welfare of my baby.

As with any surgery or chemotherapy, the doctors told me there would be risks to my baby and to me. However the literature showed convincingly that almost no baby was ever harmed by going through the chemotherapy they had planned for me. But they said, ''there is always a small chance things could go wrong.''

With an anxious and troubled heart I went through chemotherapy for three cycles while pregnant. The delivery of the baby was a scheduled cesaerean so that it would coincide with my chemotherapy which kills my immune system so that I wouldn't be at a great risk of infection.

On March 19th, 2013 our second baby Joseph Francis was born a healthy 8 pounds 7 ounces with a full head of hair. The nurses had warned us he might have alopecia from the chemo, But he proved them wrong. The Doctor's tested his umbilical cord and there was no trace of chemo in his body.

I am so happy no one ever mentioned the word abortion to me. I know that in most other countries in the world they would have advised me to abort my baby to save my life. I am so grateful I lived in a country whose medical professionals did everything they could for my baby and for me.

Sadly the abortion law was passed last year. The truth behind the abortion smokescreen is that in cancer while pregnant there is hope for two. There is always a better choice than abortion.



I had serve pre-eclampsia in pregnancy and my pregnancy was terminated but both our lives were saved.

I developed severe pre-eclampsia while pregnant on my first child. My pregnancy was terminated and my baby was intensive care for a time but now both me and my daughter are alive and well.

Pre-eclampsia is a serious medical condition of pregnancy, most often occurring in first pregnancies. It is often asymptomatic, i.e. the person doesn't feel sick. The three classic signs are high blood-pressure, swelling of the hands and feet, and protein in the urine. It is particularly serious for the developing child as it stunts growth. It is vital that women experiencing pre-eclampsia rest as much as possible; bed rest being the ideal. It can prevent the complications which I experienced.


I had treatment for an ecotopic pregnancy, that is not an abortion.

Lucy McDonald had treament for an ectopic pregnancy: like other women who undergo this life-saving treatment, she and her doctors know that this wasn’t an abortion. Abortion is not healthcare. Real Healthcare SAVES lives.  

An ectopic pregnancy occurs where the embryo implants anywhere outside the uterine cavity which is the normal place for a baby to develop. The vast majority of ectopic pregnancies arise when the baby implants in the fallopian tube.  

Whilst there have been rare cases of non-tubal ectopic pregnancies surviving to viability and resulting in healthy babies being born, tubal pregnancies carry a high risk of rupture and haemorrhage which can be a serious surgical emergency for a woman. Nowadays, death from a ruptured ectopic pregnancy is rare as they are diagnosed early and women have access to immediate, life-saving treatment.

What causes it? Usually an ectopic pregnancy is caused by damage to the fallopian tubes. The embryo may have difficulty passing through a damaged tube causing it to implant and grow in the tube. Things that make a woman more likely to have fallopian tube damage and subsequent ectopic pregnancy include, Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID), endometriosis, previous pelvic surgery, induced abortion and smoking.

Is abortion needed to treat an ectopic pregnancy? No. Current treatments that are available for such pregnancies are not considered abortion as far as the medical community is concerned. There are a few things to consider in this regard:

  • Ectopic pregnancy carries serious risk for the mother and can be life-threatening. At this early stage, the baby cannot survive.
  • The treatment for this condition does not meet the definition of abortion which is the purposeful destruction of the unborn baby.
  • The intent of the doctor needs to be considered in every intervention; in the treatment of an ectopic pregnancy his or her intent is to treat an abnormal condition and avert serious risk to the mother. In an abortion the intent is to end the life of a living baby. Intent is something that carries serious weight, in medicine and in criminal law.
  • In Ireland, when abortion was banned, treatments for ectopic pregnancies were carried out without prosecution or judgement because these are not considered to be abortion.
  • Not a single woman has needed to travel to Britain from Ireland for an abortion to treat her ectopic pregnancy – proof that these interventions are not abortions and were carried out in Ireland under the 8th amendment – the constitutional provision protecting the right to life of both the mother and the baby.


I developed septicemia while pregnant on my 5th baby.

Like Savita Halappanavar, Louise Dunleavy developed blood poisoning during pregnancy. Doctors discovered she had a septic abscess on her spine. She was hours from death. Louise underwent aggressive antibiotic therapy, and now has a healthy baby. If necessary, doctors would have operated to remove the infection, even if that meant delivering her baby early. Ireland’s ban on abortion never prevented women getting the treatment they needed. 3 separate inquiries showed that medical mismanagement led to Savita’s tragic death. Women deserve best care, not abortion.

Caitlin and Joe

Caitlin developed HELP while pregnant on her first baby and the hospital treated two patients, both mother and son.

"In 2011, my wife Caitlin was admitted to University Hospital Galway (UHG) at roughly 23 weeks into her first pregnancy as her blood pressure had remained quite high for a week or so previously. She was kept under close observation as we hoped that the pregnancy would continue as far as possible to protect primarily my wife, but also my unborn son. 

Her blood pressure readings coupled with a gradual decrease in her white blood cell count meant that things got a lot more serious after 10 days. Caitlin was checked every hour or so in terms of blood pressure and my unborn son (Tom) was checked also using sonar. Tom was perfectly healthy, but Caitlin’s situation deteriorated. Once this happened, her consultant advised that Tom would have to be delivered and we were made fully aware of the dangers involved for him.

It was made abundantly clear that no risks would be taken with Caitlin’s life. There was no question of that. Caitlin developed what is called HELLP syndrome which is an extreme form of pre-eclampsia, and Tom was delivered by C section in UHG roughly 20 minutes after midnight on June 20th, 2011. He was born at 25 weeks and 5 days gestation and weighed 830 grams. Caitlin was admitted to the ICU in UHG under intense scrutiny as her blood pressure took a few days to get under control. Tom was admitted to the neo natal ICU in UHG where he received 115 days of life-saving intervention and we were blessed to bring him home that September. He was, and is, a healthy boy.  

At all times coming up to Tom’s birth Caitlin’s health and wellbeing were prioritised. As per our express wishes, Tom was constantly monitored and we indicated each and every day that we wanted to extend  the pregnancy as long as was feasible without endangering Caitlin so as to give him the best chance (as he deserved).  

UHG, Caitlin’s nurses, the consultants and surgeons, and after birth Tom’s neo natal team, performed heroics to ensure Caitlin was never in any substantial danger as well as saving our son’s life . They gave him a chance in what was an horrendously hard time for us as new parents.  

In addition to the above, we spent up to 8-10 hours per day for the next 115 days in the neo natal ICU in UHG and that experience changed our views (particularly mine) forever. Tom was a “25 weeker” but he had other compadres in there who were 23 weekers. Each of them, to a man, (all boys) were perfectly formed, beautiful, kicking, screaming little babies. Sadly, some didn’t make it as it wasn’t their time. 

Both myself and my wife are not religious but we begged each and every “deity” we could think of to give us one more day with Tom. One more day, then one more day, until he was eventually out of the woods.  

Take it from a couple who have walked the walk. Caitlin’s life was never put in danger at any stage. She was prioritised at all stages leading up to Tom’s birth. This wasn’t at our insistence but was the natural, normal care for expectant mothers who were in similar situations in the UHG maternity wards. 

I implore anyone who truly wants to question this issue to look at the standard of maternity care in our country. It is second to none. That is not just my opinion, but the opinion of the W.H.O. where we are constantly ranked in the top for maternal health care out of circa 130 countries annually. 

The 8th amendment didn’t stop the doctors making my wife’s life a priority. It protects preborn babies and mothers. Having seen my son fight for his life, and seeing both my son and my wife come through this safe and well, I feel we’re doing something right in this country.


Maria in Sligo is pregnant and expecting her baby in two months time. She has a suspected ectopic pregnancy.

I read a pro-abortion article this week. The article in question stated that the Eighth Amendment should be repealed in order for the women of Ireland to obtain proper healthcare. Although I have heard this so-called ‘argument’ on the pro-abortion side on countless occasions before, there was something about this particular article that upset me. It prompted me to share my experience. Here it is.

Three months ago, I discovered that I was pregnant. As a twenty two year old woman, it was not a planned pregnancy. However, I couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming sense of happiness upon discovering the news, and my boyfriend felt the same way. After a couple of weeks, I began to experience a pain in my left side. Due to this, I was referred by my GP to have an urgent early pregnancy scan. I immediately felt a sense of unease. I knew that something wasn’t right.

A feeling of dread consumed me. I lay on the bed as the midwife scanned me, my boyfriend holding my hand. I glanced at the screen on front of me as the midwife stated that what we saw was my uterus. Nobody in the room spoke. The midwife continued to scan, and I couldn’t help but notice the concerned expression on her face. She informed us that there was ‘something suspicious’ on my left ovary, and that my uterus was empty. My heart sank, and what happened next was a blur. I remember being taken to a room with my boyfriend where I sat down, tears flowing down my face. My boyfriend held me, but we were both lost for words. A doctor then entered the room.

He reiterated what the midwife had already told us, and told us that they highly suspected that I was having an ectopic pregnancy. He explained that in line with the hospital policy, I had to have my blood taken to examine my level of HCg (pregnancy hormone). I then had to return to the hospital in two days to have more blood taken and have another scan done. He instructed us that if the pain got worse in my side, I had to come straight to the hospital where I would be brought straight to theatre to be operated on, in case the ectopic pregnancy ruptured.

I left the hospital that day and the two days that followed were the worst days of my life. I couldn’t believe what was happening. Our families tried to reassure us, but I was inconsolable. I searched for answers in my head and asked why was this happening to me? Was there no way that medical professionals could implant the embryo safely in my uterus where it could grow healthily for nine months? The unfairness of it all overwhelmed me.

Two days later, my boyfriend and I returned to the hospital with my mother. I had blood taken again and was brought to the same room as last time to repeat my scan. I lay there and closed my eyes, I could barely breathe. I squeezed my boyfriend’s hand tightly as my eyes filled with tears. I was waiting to hear the words, to be told that it was as they expected, an ectopic pregnancy. I opened my eyes, and looked at the screen ahead. The same shape emerged on the screen – my uterus. Except this time, there was a tiny indistinct shape nestled in there. I could hardly believe my eyes. It couldn’t possibly be? I looked at the midwife. She was smiling. ‘That is your baby’. The medical professionals couldn’t believe what had happened.

They were positive that I was having an ectopic pregnancy only two days previously. Now, there was a tiny embryo in my womb and I was six weeks pregnant. It was surreal, and I will never be able to explain the happiness and relief that I felt that morning. It was a miracle. To some, this may be just a ‘lovely story’, and it is. However, its more than that to me. It’s a confirmation that real healthcare saves lives, and I realise how lucky I was to live in Ireland that week. In line with proper medical guidelines, the healthcare professionals waited two days before administering Methotrexate (a drug that is used in Ireland to treat an ectopic pregnancy in early stages), or bringing me to theatre to operate. My experience only heightened my pro-life views.

I was horrified to read that the pro-abortion side demands the repeal of the Eighth Amendment on the basis of healthcare. Their argument is misleading and simply not true. The healthcare professionals had equal regard for my life, and if my pain had become extreme they would have treated the ectopic pregnancy immediately. However, those two days that medical professionals waited saved my baby’s life. The healthcare in Ireland saved my baby’s life. The Eighth Amendment saved my baby’s life, and I will forever be thankful for that. Real healthcare saves lives. Protect life – Protect the Eighth. 

Yvonne Houlihan Kelly

Yvonne was pregnant and had Turner's Mosiac Syndrome with compromised kidney function

At 14 yrs. I was diagnosed with Turner’s Mosaic Syndrome and with compromised kidney function.

On 6th September 2002 had major surgery with a poor prognosis. Spent months in hospital but with the love and dedication of my fiancé (now husband) Dermot and the prayers and loving care of my family I made a remarkable recovery…but with health limitations.

Among the Do’s and Don’ts I was warned never to have our own children as the circulation of blood was severely compromised to the lower part of my body due to a narrowing of the lower Aorta and my one remaining kidney did not function a it was a define No, No for pregnancy!

Taking all this on board, Dermot and I married on 27th October 2007 but while waiting for consultation with my gynaecologist, I found myself pregnant!

Delight and terror were interwoven. How would I tell my beloved family, my consultant! Right’ it had to be done! My Consultant said ‘Yvonne, you are pregnant! So we need to work closely with an Obstetrician’. From the beginning the Obstetrician made it clear that she would try to protect both baby and Mums’ lives but it there was any threat to my life, she would terminate my pregnancy immediately . She also spelt out that if I were in any other country the only option that would be open to me would be abortion!

I gave up work. I was driven up to Dublin for my weekly appointments and check-ups. All went relatively smoothly. On the seventh month (28 weeks), I was admitted for observation and complete bed rest.

I had an elective Caesarean Section on 22nd.October 2012 and our tiny baby girl - Ellie (2.12ozs) was born.

She spent some time in the neonatal unit. On the 28th. December 2012 Dermot and I took our miracle baby home; she is the absolute pride and joy of our lives! Ellie is now a healthy 4 year old girl and looking forward to ‘Santa.’ What a Joy for us!

So Please, Please keep our country free from legalised abortion!

Keep the Eight Amendment in the Constitution of Ireland which states that “The State acknowledges the right to life of the unborn and, with due regard to the equal right to life of the mother...” only for it I would not have Ellie today!!.

Dr. Levatino, former abortionist

Dr. Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist who aborted 1200 babies, worked in a high-risk obstetric hospital in New York. He explains why abortion is never medically necessary and that a late-term abortion is far more dangerous to a woman with a medical emergency than to deliver the baby.

At a Glance

What's this about?

This campaign shares the stories of Irish mothers — stories that prove that abortion is NOT healthcare and is never medically necessary.