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A council in the UK has spent a six-figure sum (approximately £150,000) in an attempt to prosecute two pro-lifers who were silently praying and offering counsel within an exclusion zone, despite experiencing financial challenges that led to the council to consider ways of saving money, including switching of street lights and reducing the live monitoring of CCTV cameras.
As an Italian pro-life organisation celebrates its 50th anniversary, Pope Francis sent a message of support and thanks to the organisation in how it has promoted a culture of life with love, particularly noting the importance of helping women who feel pressured into an abortion.
Live Action's educational “Baby Olivia” video could be used in Idaho schools after lawmakers passed a bill in the senate that would require schools to provide students with education on the development and growth of an unborn child.
Over 100 MPs who voted in favour of a UK assisted suicide bill last year, have indicated they will vote against it after a safeguard was removed from the bill after claims the safeguard was in place as a “ruse”.
After the birth of her daughter, a mother had shared that she is “thankful” for the doctors who helped her throughout her high-risk pregnancy, after multiple doctors previously told her to have an abortion.
A new bill in Oregon is looking at expanding its current assisted suicide law to allow for non-physicians, including physician assistants and nurse practitioners, to prescribe “medications” in order to aid someone to commit suicide.
Scotland’s buffer zone law has been slammed as “intolerant” and “intimidating” after a 74-year-old grandmother became the first person arrested and charged in since the law came into effect.
A new series of videos have been launched by Obstetricians and Gynaecologists which aim to provide medical professionals and policy makers with education on pro-life laws and life-saving medical treatments for pregnant women, in response to misinformation being spread by pro-abortion groups who try to claim, against the facts, that pro-life laws endanger pregnant women.
A committee in the UK set up to scrutinise the proposed assisted suicide bill has been criticised for its bias, after it consists of more MPs in favour of the bill than against. Despite this, the committee still heard a range of voices speaking out against the bill, including those from disability organisations.
In another move that favours unborn babies, President Donald Trump has shut down a US agency that is known to be the largest funder for abortion worldwide.
In what has been hailed a “complete victory”, two pro-life journalists who went undercover, and exposed Planned Parenthood’s trafficking of aborted baby parts, have had charges against them dropped.
President Donald Trump has shared his support for the March for Life attended by tens of thousands of pro-lifers, where his Vice President JD Vance gave his first public speech as Vice President of the US.
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