
Women Are Safer Without Abortion

At a Glance

What's this about?

The Safer Without Abortion campaign gathered women from throughout Ireland to send a powerful message: removing Ireland's pro-life laws would be detrimental to women's healthcare.

Women safer without abortion

The Irish experience - and the scientific evidence - tells us that women are safest where abortion is not provided as an answer to a crisis pregnancy. An abortion Bill brought before the Dáil (Parliament) falsely claimed that abortion was beneficial to women.

Our SAFER WITHOUT ABORTION campaign gathered women from throughout Ireland to send a powerful message.

We send letters to every elected representative and Senator explaining that women are safer without abortion.

Then we held colourful, high-profile public events attended by hundreds of women calling on politicians to defend the right to life of unborn children during the debate on the abortion Bill.

In the debate that followed we were glad to see that many politicians had heard and understood our message. The abortion Bill was defeated.

The evidence :

  • The United Nations/WHO report on maternal mortality shows that Ireland, without recourse to abortion, is the safest place in the world for a mother to have a baby. (1)
  • Contrary to assertions by abortion campaigners, the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists in Ireland have stated that abortion is never medically necessary. (2)
  • The abortion industry exploits women for profit - a recent report of the near death of an Irish woman in a British abortion clinic is just one instance where women's lives are put in danger by the abortion industry. (3) Official investigations by the British Department of Health last month found that significant numbers of abortion clinics - up to 20% - were acting illegally, and that their offences included failing to counsel women and having doctors pre-signing consent forms. (4)
  • A growing body of evidence shows that abortion produces negative mental outcomes for women. Research carried out by Dr David Fergusson and published in the British Journal of Psychiatry found that women who had had abortions had rates of mental disorder that were about 30% higher. (5)

We're safer without abortion - and we want Ireland to continue providing better solutions for mothers and babies.

Some of the coverage that is available on line:

  • Niamh Uí Bhriain debated the Bill with Bill Tormley of Fine Gael on Newstalk. 
  • She also debated Joan Collins of the Socialist Party on LMFM (podcast) and Limerick 95 FM - you can listen to that here...
  • Niamh debates with Ciara Conway of the Labour Party on TodayFM's Last Word with Matt Cooper 
  • Niamh Uí Bhriain told the New York Times that the Bill had no public support - see the report here:
  • Íde Nic Mhathúna spoke up for mothers and babies on Spin FM
  • Niamh was on LifeFM,  OceanFM, SpiritFM, DublinCity FM

    Some other coverage included:

    A Summary of the Harmful Effects of Induced Abortion

    Most women are never informed of the very serious risks associated with induced abortion.

    Do you know that:

    • Abortion can harm a woman’s present and future health
    • A woman’s fertility can be seriously affected by abortion
    • Abortion is linked to the rise in breast cancer amongst women
    • The direct effects of “safe legal abortion” include the death of the mother.
    • Abortion providers including the IFPA and Marie Stopes in Ireland say that women should be allowed to make an “informal choice” about abortion but they hide the physical and psychological damage, abortion does to women.


    Woman can and do die from so called safe, legal abortion. Even under the best medical conditions, an experienced practitioner performing a routine abortion can puncture the uterus, the bowel or the bladder causing excessive bleeding, infection and possible death.The medical journal JAMA reported that “complications following abortions performed in free-standing abortion clinics are one of the most frequent gynaecological emergencies encountered.”

    A Scandinavian study covering 6 different countries found that “induced abortions make up 20-35% of all maternal mortality”. Causes of maternal mortality arising specifically from induced abortion range from haemorrhage (heavy bleeding), infection to embolism (blood clots) and Cardiomyopathy (disease of the heart muscle).


    Case Study

    Diana Lopez aged 25; died February 28th 2002 in Los Angeles, California following an abortion in the Los Angeles Planned Parenthood abortion clinic. The L.A. Coroner’s office found she “bled to death after her cervix was punctured during an abortion.” (Source The Los Angeles Times) She is one of many.

    Uterine Perforations & Cervical Lacerations

    Abortion carries significant risk of uterine laceration or perforation i.e. tearing or piercing of the womb. This can cause severe and excessive bleeding in a woman and can also cause her womb to rupture during labour in a subsequent pregnancy. Normally a woman’s cervix is rigid and tightly closed. In an abortion, the cervix must be stretched open with great force to gain access to the foetus. This can tear the cervical muscle or damage the wall of the womb. This damage permanently weakens the cervix and can lead to pre-mature birth in a later pregnancy.


    Abortion can be a major factor in the development of disease, particularly Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (P.I.D.). The most common symptoms of P.I.D. are pelvic pain and fever. More serious symptoms include inflammation of the fallopian tubes and abscesses (infectious growths). These abscesses can rupture, causing a life threatening surgical emergency. When bacteria enter the body, they cause infection and disease. In an abortion, the cervix is forced open allowing easy access for bacteria and other disease-causing organisms to enter.

    Post Abortion Syndrome (P.A.S.)

    Women experience varying degrees of emotional distress after abortion. A recent Canadianstudy found that 35% of women who had abortions made visits to psychiatrists as compared to 3% who had not had abortions. Post Abortion Syndrome is a type of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Women who suffer from P.A.S. report various symptoms including flashbacks, nightmares, severe depression and anxiety and avoidance of things that remind them of the abortion.


    After abortion a number of behaviours have been observed which threaten a woman’s health and ability to cope. These post-abortion behaviours tend to be self-destructive and can include suicide. In 1995, a study undertaken in Finland on 600,000 women, established that the suicide rate in the year following childbirth and the suicide rate in the year following abortion were dramatically different. The study found that women who had an abortion were 6 times more likely to commit suicide than women who had given birth to their babies.



    Prof Cuzick J., University of London, Statistics in Medicine, Vol. 23, Issue 7, 2002

    Brind J. et al, "Induced Abortion as an Independent Risk Factor for Breast Cancer, a comprehensive review and meta-analysis”, Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health 50: 481-496, 1996

    Dr Simone C. E., “Breast Health: What you need to know,” 1995, Avery Publishing, TN USA, 1995, Page 147

    Lipworth L. et al, "Abortion and the Risk of Breast Cancer: A Case-control Study in Greece,” International Journal of Cancer 61: 181-184, 1995

    Daling J. R., Malone K. E., Voigt L. F., White E., Weiss N. S., "Risk of Breast Cancer among young women, relationship to induced abortion," Journal of National Cancer Ins5.titute 1994 Nov (2); 86 (21): 1584-92

    (27 studies that link abortion to breast cancer)

    Segi M., Fukushima I., Fujisaku S., Kurihara M., Saito S., Asano K. et al, “An epidemiological study of cancer in Japan,” GANN 48, Supplement (April 1957):1-43

    Watanabe H., Hirayama T., “Epidemiology and clinical aspects of breast cancer,” (translation of Japanese title), Nippon Rinsho 1968 Aug; 26(8); 1843-1849

    Dvoirin V., Medvedev A. B., “Role of Women’s reproductive status in the development of breast cancer,” Methods and Progress in Breast Cancer Epidemiology Research, 1978, Moscow: Oncology Science Centre of the USSR Academy of Sciences 1978, p 53-63

    Pike M. C., Henderson B. E., Casagrande J. T., Rosario I., Gray G. E., “Oral contraceptive use and early abortion as risk factors for breast cancer in young women”, British Journal of Cancer 1981 Jan;43(1):72-6

    Nishiyama F., “The epidemiology of breast cancer in Tokushima Prefecture,” Shikou Ichi 1982; 38:333-43

    Brinton L. A., Hoover R., Fraumeni Jr. J. F., “Reproductive factors in the aetiology of breast cancer,” British Journal of Cancer 1983 Jun; 47(6):757-762

    Le M., Bachelot A., Doyon F., Kramer A., Hill C., “Oral contraceptive use and breast and cervical cancer: preliminary results of a French case-control study”, Hormones and Sexual Factors in Human Cancer Aetiology, eds. Wolf, J-P and Scott J S, 139-47, Amsterdam: Elsevier, 1984

    Hirohata T., Shigemitsu T., Nomura A. M., Nomura Y., Horie A., Hirohata I., “Occurrence of breast cancer in relation to diet and reproductive history: A case control study in Fukuoka, Japan,” National Cancer Institute Monograph 1985 Dec:187-190

    Rosenberg L., Palmer J. R., Kaufman D. W., Strom B. L., Schottenfeld D., Shapiro S., “Breast cancer in relation to the occurrence and time of induced and spontaneous abortion,” American Journal of Epidemiology 1988 May; 127(5): 981-989

    Luporsi (1988) “unpublished” and referenced in British Journal of Cancer 72-744-51.

    Rohan T. E., McMichael A. J., Baghurst P. A., “A population based case-control study of diet and breast cancer in Australia,” American Journal of Epidemiology, 1988; 128(3): 478-89

    Ewertz M., Duffy S. W., “Risk of breast cancer in relation to reproductive factors in Denmark,” British Journal of Cancer 1988 Jul; 58(1):99-104

    Howe H. L., Senie R. T., Bzduch H., Herzfeld P., “Early abortion and breast cancer risk among women under age 40,” International Journal of Epidemiology 1989 Jun; 18(2):300-304

    Laing A. E., Demanais F. M., Williams R., Kissling G., Chen V. W., Bonney G. E., “Breast cancer risk factors in African-American women: the Howard University Tumour Registry experience,” Journal of the National Medical Association 1993 Dec;85(12):931939

    Laing A. E., Bonney G. E., Adams-Campbell L. et al, “Reproductive and lifestyle factors for breast cancer in African-American women,” Genetic Epidemiology 1994;11:285-310, p 300

    Andrieu N., Clavel F., Gairard B., Piana L., Bremond A., Lansac J., Flamant R. et al, “Familial risk of breast cancer and abortion,” Cancer Detection and Prevention, 1994, 18(1):51-55

    Daling J. R., Malone K. E., Voigt L. F., White E., Weiss N. S., “Risk of breast cancer among young women: relationship to induced abortion,” Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1994 Nov(2); 86(21):1584-92

    Lipworth L., Katsouyanni K., Ekbom A., Michels K. B., Trichopoulos D., “Abortion and the risk of Breast Cancer: A case-control study in Greece,” International Journal of Cancer 61, 1995, Apr 61(2):181-184

    Bu et al, American Journal of Epidemiology, 1995, 141:S85 (abstract)

    Newcomb P. A., Storer B. E., Longnecker M. P., Mittendorf R., Greenberg E. R. and Willett W. C., “Pregnancy termination in relation to risk of breast cancer”, Journal of American Medical Association, 1996 Jan;275(4):283-7

    Rookus M. A., Van Leeuwen F. E., “Induced abortion and risk of breast cancer: reporting (recall) bias in a Dutch case-control study,” Journal of the National Cancer Institute, 1996 Dec4; 88(23); 1759-1764

    Brinton L. A., Daling J. R., Liff J. M., Schoenberg J. B., Malone K. E., Stanford J. L., “Oral contraceptives and breast cancer risk among younger women,” Journal of the National Cancer Institute 1995 Jun7;87(11):827-835

    Talamini R., Franceschi S., La Vecchia C., Negri E., Borsa L., Montella M. et al, “The role of reproductive and menstrual factors in cancer of the breast before and after menopause,” European Journal of Cancer 1996, 32A(2):303-310

    Melbye M., Wohlfahrt J. et al, “Induced abortion and the risk of breast cancer,” New England Journal of Medicine 1997, 336:81-85

    Palmer J., Rosenburg L., Rao R., Zauber A., Strom B., Warshauser M. et al, “Induced and spontaneous abortion in relation to risk of breast cancer (United States),” Cancer Causes and Control 1997; 8:841-849

    Marcus P. M., Baird D. D., Millikan R. C., Moorman P. G., Qaqish B., Newman B., “Adolescent reproductive events and subsequent breast cancer risk,” American Journal of Public Health 1999; 89(8):1244-7

    Lazovich D., Thompson J., Mink P., Sellars T., Anderson K., “Induced abortion and breast cancer risk,” Epidemiology 2000;11:76-80


    Brock K. E., Berry G., Brinton L. A., Kerr C., MacLennan R., Mock P. A. et al, "Sexual, reproductive and contraceptive risk factors for carcinoma-in-situ of the uterine cervix in Sydney," Medical Journal of Australia 1989 February 6; 150(3): 125-30

    La Vecchia C., Negri E., Franceschi S., Parazzini F., "Long-term impact of reproductive factors on cancer risk," International Journal of Cancer 1993 January 21; 53: 215-9, p 127

    Schwartz S. M., Weiss N. S., Daling J. R., Newcomb P. A., Liff J. M. , Gammon M. D. et al, "Incidence of histologic types of uterine sarcoma in relation to menstrual and reproductive history,” International Journal of Cancer, 1991 September 30;49 (3):362-7

    Parazzini F. et al "Risk of Invasive and Intraepithelial Cervical Neoplasia", British Journal of Cancer, 59:805-809

    Stewart H. I. et al "Epidemiology of Cancers of the Uterine Cervix and Corpus, Breast and Ovary in Israel and New York City," Journal of National Cancer Institute, 37(1):1-96

    McPherson C. P., Sellers T. A., Potter J. D., Bostik R. M., Folsom A. R., "Reproductive factors and risk of endometrial cancer. The Iowa Women's Health Study,” American Journal of Epidemiology, 1996 June 5, 143 (12):1195-202 p 1195

    Negri E. et al., “Incomplete Pregnancies and Ovarian Cancer Risk,” Gynaecologic Oncology 47:234-238, 1992

    Levin et al, "Association of Induced Abortion with Subsequent Pregnancy Loss,” Journal of the American Medical Association 243:2495, 1980

    Albrektsen G., Heuch I., Tretli S., Kvale G., "Is the risk of cancer of the corpus uteri reduced by a recent pregnancy? A prospective study of 765,756 Norwegian women,” International Journal of Cancer; 1995, May 16; 61 (4):485-90, p 485

    Kvale G., Heuch I., "Is the incidence of colorectal cancer related to reproduction? A prospective study of 63,000 women," International Journal of Cancer, 1991, February 1; 47 (3):390-5, p 392


    Mittal S., Misra S., "Uterine Perforation following Medical Termination of Pregnancy by Vacuum Aspiration," International Journal of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, 23:45-50 (1985)

    Kaali et al, "The frequency and management of uterine perforations during first trimester abortions," American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1989 August, 161(2):406-408

    White M. et al, “A case-controlled study of uterine perforations documented at laparoscopy,” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 129:623, 1977

    Leibner E. C., "Delayed presentation of uterine perforation," Annals of Emergency Medicine, 1995 November; 26(5): 643-6

    Frank P. et al, "The Effect of Induced Abortion on Subsequent Fertility," British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 100: 575, 1993

    Nemec D. et al, "Medical Abortion Complications", Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology; Vol. 51 No 4 p 433-436


    Molin et al, "Risk of damage to the cervix by dilation for first trimester induced abortion by suction aspiration," Gynaecological and Obstetric Investigation 1993; 35(3):152-4

    Zlatnik F. J. et al, “Radiological appearance of the upper canal in women with a history of premature delivery,” Journal of Reproductive Medicine; 34(8):525-30

    Schulz K. et al, “Measures to prevent Cervical Injuries during suction curettage abortion,” The Lancet, May 28 1983, pp 1182-1184


    Anath C. V. et al, "The Association of Placenta Praevia with History of Caesarean Delivery and Abortion: A Meta Analysis," American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 177: 1071, 1997

    Barrett et al, "Induced Abortion: A risk factor for Placenta Praevia," American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 141:769, 1981

    Hutchinson F., “The relationship between placenta praevia and history of induced abortion,” International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, May 2003, 81(2):191-8


    Martius J. A. et al, "Risk Factors Associated with Preterm and Early Pre-term birth, Univariate and Multivariate Analysis of 106,345 Singleton Births from the 1994 State-wide Perinatal Survey of Bavaria,” European Journal of Obstetrics Gynaecology and Reproductive Biology 80 (2):183-189, 1998

    Potts M., "Legal abortion in Eastern Europe,” Eugenics Review, 58-59:232-250, 1967

    Luke B., "Every Pregnant Woman's Guide to Preventing Premature Birth," 1995, New York, Times Books, p 32

    See pages 55 and 56 of “Women’s Health After Abortion” by the De Veber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research, Toronto, Canada, 2002

    Funderburk S. et al, "Suboptimal Pregnancy Outcome with Prior Abortions and Premature Births,” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Sept 1976, p 55-60


    Syverson et al, “Pregnancy related mortality in New York City 1980-1984: Causes of death and associated risk factors,” American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, February 1991, 164 (2): 603-8

    Chung et al, "Induced abortion and ectopic pregnancy in subsequent pregnancies,” American Journal of Epidemiology, 115 (6):879-87, p 884

    Barber H., "Ectopic Pregnancy, A Diagnostic Challenge,” The Female Patient, Vol. 9, p 10-18

    Michalas et al, "Pelvic surgery, reproductive factors and risk of ectopic pregnancy: A case controlled study,” International Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1992, 38(2):101-5, p 101

    Parazzini et al, "Induced abortions and risk of ectopic pregnancy,” American Journal of Epidemiology, 1995, 10(7):1841-4


    Levallois et al, "Prophylactic antibiotics for suction curettage abortion: results of a clinical controlled trial," American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 158(1):100-5 p 100, 1998

    Sorenson et al, "A double-blind randomized study of the effect of erythromycin in preventing pelvic inflammatory disease after first trimester abortion,” British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, 1992 May, 99(5):434-8

    “Women’s Health After Abortion” by the De Veber Institute for Bioethics and Social Research, Toronto, Canada, 2002, p 66

    Nielson et al, "No effect of a single dose of Olofaxcin on post-operative infection rate after first trimester abortion - A clinical controlled trial,” Acta Obstetrica et Gynecologica Scandanavica, 1993 October, 72 (7):556-9

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    SUICIDE (3C)

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    There Is Never a Need for Abortion

    The majority of Irish people are against abortion. That’s always been a major problem for the abortion industry.So now they’re using fear to promote abortion by falsely claiming that abortion is needed to save women’s lives. But that’s simply not true.

    Here are the facts:

    • It’s a fact that abortion is never necessary to save the life of a mother - and leading Irish medical experts have already publicly confirmed this fact:
    • As Professor John Bonnar, the Chairman of the Institute of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, told a Dáil Committee; “It would never cross an obstetrician’s mind that intervening in a case of pre-eclampsia, cancer of the cervix or ectopic pregnancy is abortion. They are not abortion as far as the professional is concerned, these are medical treatments that are essential to save the life of the mother.”
    • Ireland, without abortion, is the safest place in the world for a mother to have a baby, according to the United Nations.
    • If a mother develops a life-threatening condition in pregnancy, such as cancer or an ectopic pregnancy, they will always be treated, even if that treatment causes the unintentional death of the baby. That’s the situation in Ireland where abortion remains illegal.

    We should protect our pro-life laws because they protect both mother and baby.


    At a Glance

    What's this about?

    The Safer Without Abortion campaign gathered women from throughout Ireland to send a powerful message: removing Ireland's pro-life laws would be detrimental to women's healthcare.