
Vote for Life 2016

At a Glance

What's this about?

This page is a summary of the Vote for Life 2016 Campaign. It includes, in order: The results of the 2016 elections, a Voters' Checklist, samples of the campaign's social reach, a list of the TD's and how they voted, a summary of the positions of the various political parties in regards to repealing the 8th Amendment, and a breakdown of the 2016 political candidates by county and their views on abortion.

Results of Election 2016


The Project

In Election 2016, we need to VOTE PRO-LIFE – and we aim to reach 700,000 voters with the #VOTEPROLIFE message. The 8th Amendment is under sustained attack and we need to use our votes to ensure the pro-life majority is represented in the Dáil. So we need YOU to:

  • Find out where your candidate stands by checking our list on the left hand menu here – and let your friends and family know who their pro-life candidates are
  • Order some of our Vote Pro Life leaflets to distribute in your area by ringing us on 01 8730465 or by email at
  • Share the information from our FB page on social media or direct your family and friends to our Candidate Listings here on the left hand side


Election Plan 2016

  • Motivate pro-life voters: Reach voters with our election leaflets
  • Grow the message: Running a powerful 'Vote Pro-Life' social media campaign
  • Identify pro-life candidates: List pro-life candidates and make them known to voters
  • Maximise the pro-life vote: making sure that voters are informed and engaged


Voters' Checklist


Some Samples of Social Reach



Position of the Parties in Regard to Repealing the 8th Amendment

We have published each party's published or reported position with regard to the 8th Amendment. This will be updated if other information becomes available


Fianna Fáil:

Mr Michéal Martin: “We’ve said collectively as a political party that we would not initiate moves to repeal the Eighth [Amendment].”  However, some Fianna Fáil candidates support the repeal of the 8th amendment.



“We believe in freedom of conscience on such issues,’’ a Renua spokesman stated. “A referendum would allow the people make the ultimate decision.’’

Lucinda Creighton stated that a new law, “would change the culture of this country and would change how we deal with vulnerable women.’’

AAA-PBP (Socialist Party / Socialist Workers Party:

"AAA-PBP calls for an immediate repeal of the 8th amendment ban on abortion and legislation for the right to choose.”


Fine Gael:

"Fine Gael TDs will be allowed a free vote on the repeal of the Eighth Amendment of the Constitution after a constitutional convention is given time to draw up proposals after the general election, Taoiseach Enda Kenny has said.”

Several senior Ministers in the Fine Gael Cabinet have stated they favour repealing the 8th and legalising abortion on broader grounds.

Green Party:

The Green Party will support a vote in favour of repeal of the 8th amendment, on condition that the Government has provided draft legislation which will be put in place if the referendum passes. On the repeal of the 8th amendment, the Green Party will advocate legislation allowing for the lawful termination of pregnancies in cases of fatal foetal abnormality, rape, incest and endangerment to the health/life of the mother

Labour Party:

“Repeal of the eighth amendment - providing for the equal right to life of the mother and the unborn - will be part of the Labour Party’s election manifesto, Tánaiste Joan Burton said.”

Sinn Fein:

“Sinn Féin welcome campaign to repeal the 8th amendment.”

Social Democrats:

"On abortion, the party wants to repeal the 8th Amendment with Shortall saying it should be replaced with legislation.”


2016: Candidates in Connaught

Galway East

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Sean Canney (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Michael Fahy (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Colm Keaveney (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion



  • Anne Rabbitte (Fianna Fail) "It is my personal view that the 8th Amendment should be left as it stands"


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Ciaran Cannon (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Paul Connaughton (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Lorraine Higgins (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Mairead Ní Chroinin (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Annemarie Roche (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment

Waiting for Response

  • Aengus Melia (DDI)


Galway West

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Fidelma Healy Eames (Ind) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • John Connolly (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Nicola Daveron (Renua) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Noel Graelish (Ind) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Mary Hoade (Fianna Fáil) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Eamon O’Cuiv (Fianna Fáil) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Tommy Roddy (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Catherine Connelly (Ind) ) Against keeping the 8th amendment
  • Tommy Holohan (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Sean Kyne (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Hildegarde Naughton (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Derek Nolan (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Trevor O’Clochartaigh (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • John O’Mahony (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Ruairi O’Neill (DDI) Against keeping the 8th amendment
  • Niall O’Tuathail (Social Democrats) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Seamus Sheridan (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment


Waiting for Response

  • James Charity (Ind)
  • Mike Cubbard (Ind) 


Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Dara Calleary (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th amendment
  • Michael Farrington (Renua) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment 
  • Peter Jordan (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Gerry O’Boyle (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment 
  • George O'Malley (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Lisa Chambers (Fianna Fáil) Against keeping the 8th amendment
  • Rose Conway Walsh (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Enda Kenny (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Tom Moran (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Michelle Mulherin (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Michael Ring (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Margaret Sheehan (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment



Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Michael Fitzmaurice (Ind) Supports the 8th amendment
  • Eugene Murphy (Fianna Fail) Supports the 8th amendment
  • Denis Naughten (Ind) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Eddie Conroy (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Anne Farrell (Renua) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on Shannonside
  • Miriam Hennesy (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Maura Hopkins (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Claire Kerrane (Sinn Fein) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • John Kelly (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion


Waiting for Response

  • Shane Curran (Fianna Fail)


Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Bernie O’Hara (Ind) Strongly pro-life. Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Des Guckian (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Finbar Filan (Renua) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Marc MacSharry (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion
  • Paddy O’Rourke (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment as stated publicly on the radio


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Declan Bree (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Marie Casserly (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Nigel Gallagher (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Martin Kenny (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Chris MacManus (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Tony McLoughlin (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Leslie O’Hora (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Susan O’Keeffe (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • John Perry (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Bernard Sweeney (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on OceanFM
  • Gerry Reynolds (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013


2016: Candidates in Dublin


Dublin Bay North

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Paul Clarke (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Terence Flanagan (Renua) Voted against abortion
  • Sean Haughey (Fianna Fáil) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Deirdre Heney (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Proinsias Ó Conaráin Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Tommy Broughan (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Richard Bruton (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Jimmy Guerin (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • David Healy (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • John Lyons (PBPA) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Michael MacDonncha (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Finian McGrath (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Denise Mitchell (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Michael O’Brien (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Cian O’Callaghan (Social democrats) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Naoise O’Muiri (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Damien O'Neill (Ind) Abortion should be freely available up to a certain number of weeks in a pregnancy (
  • Aodhan O’Riordain (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Averil Power (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Stephanie Regan (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013


Waiting for Response

  • Tom Darcy (DDI)

Dublin Bay South

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Lucinda Creighton (Renua) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Chris Andrews (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Mannix Flynn (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Kevin Humphreys (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Glenna Lynch (Social Democrats) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Annette Mooney (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Eoghan Murphy (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Jim O’Callaghan (Fianna Fail) Favours legalising abortion in some circumstances
  • Kate O’Connell (Fine Gael) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Eamon Ryan (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Eoin Tierney (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment


Waiting for Response

  • William D.J. Gorman (Ind)
  • John Dominic Keigher (Ind)
  • Alan Mac Stiofán (Ind)


Dublin Central

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • No candidates who voted against abortion in the Dáil in this constituency



  • Jacqui Gilbourne (Renua) "I oppose repeal of the 8th amendment as of now... this issue needs to be brought more into the public domain... as it stands it is a catch 22 situation... it needs time and attention and most of all the will to find resolution to this tragic situation"
  • Mary Fitzpatrick (Fianna Fail) "My party allows a conscience vote on this issue. I am pro-life but support a referendum on the 8th.  There is a lot of confusion re the 8th amendment and this is something that needs to be addressed"


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Christy Burke (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Joe Costello (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Paschal Donohue (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Gary Gannon (Social Democrats) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Cormac MacKay (DDI) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on
  • Mary Lou McDonald (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Diana O’Dwyer (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Maureen O’Sullivan (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Cieran Perry (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Eilis Ryan (Workers Party) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Ian Noel Smyth (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment


Waiting for Response

  • Kerri Guinan (Ind)


Dublin Fingal

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment 

  • Darragh O’Brien (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion and supports of keeping the 8th Amendment

Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Lorraine Clifford-Lee (Fianna Fail) Against keeping the 8th amendment
  • Clare Daly (United Left) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Alan Farrell (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Roslyn Fuller (Ind) Against keeping the 8th amendment
  • Terry Kelleher (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Barry Martin (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Gerry Molloy (Renua) Against keeping the 8th amendment
  • Tony Murphy (Ind) Supports abortion where baby has a life-limiting condition
  • Joe O’Brien (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Louise O’Reilly (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • James Reilly (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Brendan Ryan (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion



  • Marcus De Brun (Ind) "Whilst the state continues to facilitate the tragic events that conspire to culminate in an unwanted pregnancy: limited or no access to affordable contraception, limited/absent access to sexual health, a culture of drug use and alcohol dependence etc, discussions around the 8th amendment are entirely futile"

Dublin Mid-West

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment   

  • John Curran (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment



  • Paul Gogarty "I support a multi-choice referendum that looks at perhaps 5/6 options ranging from the two extremes to in-between. As I said I can't judge, it's not a black and white area, but we need a real debate that avoids polarisation if possble. This could be constitutional or indicative for legislators."


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Frances Fitzgerald (Fine Gael) Voted for abortion
  • Ronan Rafferty (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Lorraine Hennessey (Workers Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Derek Keating (Fine Gael) Voted for abortion
  • Gino Kenny (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Anne-Marie McNally (Social Democrats) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Eoin O Broin (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Francis Timmons (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Joanna Tuffy (Labour) Voted for abortion


Waiting for Response

  • Christopher Healy (DDI)

Dublin North West

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment 

  • Paul McAuliffe (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Cathleen Carney Boud (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Caroline Conroy (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Jimmy Dignam (Workers Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Dessie Ellis (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Andrew Keegan (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • John Lyons (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Cormac MacKay (DDI) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on
  • Noel Rock (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Roisin Shortall (Social Democrats) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment


Waiting for Response

  • Bernie Hughes (Ind)

Dublin Rathdown

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment 

  • Peter Matthews (Ind) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th Amendment



  • Alan Daveron (REN) "On a personal level, I believe very much in the people's right to choose. Thus I would be in favor of holding a referendum on the repeal of the 8th amendment if that is the will of the majority. How I would vote in any such referendum would depend entirely on what was the proposed replacement would be. I personally am pro-life and will be voting accordingly."


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Josepha Madigan (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Catherine Martin (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Sorcha Nic Cormaic (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Shane Ross (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Alan Shatter (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Alex White (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Mary White (Fianna Fail) Voted in favour of abortion


Dublin South Central

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment 

  • Neville Bradley (DDI) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Catherine Ardagh (Fianna Fáil) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Catherine Byrne (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Eric Byrne (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Joan Collins (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Liam Coyne (Social Democrats) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Maire Devine (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Michael Gargan (Renua) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Paul Hand (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Richard Murray (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Oisin O hAlmhain (Green) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Aengus O Snodaigh (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Brid Smith (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment


Dublin South-West

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment 

  • Kieran Adam-Quigley (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Ronan McMahon (Renua) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment



  • Declan Burke (Ind) "There should be a referendum but I would vote to Defend the 8th"
  • Peter Fitzpatrick (Ind) He is pro-life and would vote against abortion, but thinks people have right to vote in referendum
  • John Lahart (Fianna Fail) We have to have an honest debate about what would actually replace Article 40.3.3.  Before there is any referendum, people need to know what would replace the eighth amendment. For my own part I would like to see continued protection for the life of the unborn retained in the Constitution


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Colm Brophy (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Sean Crowe (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Anne-Marie Dermody (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Francis Noel Duffy (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Mick Duff (Labour)  Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Sandra Fay (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Sarah Holland (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Pamela Kearns (Labour) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Eamonn Maloney (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Paul Murphy (AAA-PBP) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Deirdre O’Donovan (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Stephen Sinclair (DDI) "Article 8 of the Constitution should be repealed and a new article written which gives women a fundamental right to choice. The current article is discriminatory and draconian. The issue should be put to the People to decide."
  • Karen Warren (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Katherine Zappone (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion


Waiting for Response

  • Frank O'Gorman (Ind)
  • Joan Summerville-Molloy (Ind)


Dublin West

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment 

  • Jack Chambers (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Jo O'Brien (Renua) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Joan Burton (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • TJ Clare (Ind) Against keeping the 8th amendment
  • Ruth Coppinger (AAA-PBP) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Catherine Noone (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Paul Donnelly (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Roderic O’Gorman (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Leo Varadkar (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion


Waiting for Response

  • Dermot Casey (Ind)
  • David McGuinness (Ind)

Dun Laoghaire

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment 

  • Cormac Devlin (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Mary Hanafin (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Raymond Whithead (DDI) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Maria Bailey (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Richard Boyd Barrett (AAA-PBP) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Frank Cronin (Renua) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Carol Hunt (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Mary Mitchell O’Connor (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Carrie Smyth (Labour) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Ossian Smyth (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Shane O’Brien (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment


2016: Candidates in Leinster



Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Paddy Manning (Ind)  Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • John McGuinness (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Pat Deering (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • David Fitzgerald (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Kathleen Funchion (Sinn Fein) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Conor Mac Liam (AAA-PBP) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Patrick McKee (Renua) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Malcolm Noonan (Green Party) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • John Paul Phelan (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Ann Phelan (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Adrienne Wallace (AAA-PBP) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment



  • Bobby Aylward (Fianna Fail) When asked about Repeal of the 8th amendment he siad he would have to read the small print first (Kilkenny Radio)


Waiting for Response

  • Jennifer Murnane-O’Connor (Fianna Fail)
  • Noel Walsh (Ind)

Kildare North

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Michael Bernie (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • James Lawless (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Frank O’Rourke (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment 

  • Reada Cronin (Sinn Fein) Party Policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Bernard Durkan (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Anthony Lawlor (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Catherine Murphy (Social Democrats) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Maebh Ni Fhalluin (Green Party) Party Policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Ashling Merriman (AAA-PBP) Party Policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Emmet Stagg (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Brendan Young (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment



  • Shane Fitzgerald (REN) According to constituents, he claimed he is in favour of the 8th but wants a 'discussion' about it.


Kildare South

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Sean O Fearghail (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion & supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment 

  • Martin Heydon (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion 
  • Mary Kennedy (Renua) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Patricia Ryan (Sinn Fein) Party Policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Mark Wall (Labour) PParty Policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Fiona McLoughlin-Healy (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013 
  • Fiona O’Loughlin (Fianna Fail) Against keeping the 8th Amendment



  • Declan Crowe (Ind) "There should be a referendum, but I would vote to defend the 8th Amendment"


Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Sean Fleming (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion and Supports the 8th amendment
  • Sinead Moore (Green Party) "While canvassing, the first question someone asked me at the door was are you pro-life and the answer to that is yes, I am. The party have a different view, they think it’s ok to have an abortion in cases of foetal abnormality, rape and incest. It is a complex subject, but the unborn child needs to be protected. I know what it is like to have a crisis pregnancy, falling pregnant at 20 years of age while living in England. When I gave birth to my daughter I felt empowered. When I saw her face it was love at first sight. If I’d had an abortion she wouldn’t be here.”


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment 

  • Thomasina Connell (Fine Gael)  Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Charles Flanagan (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Brian Stanley (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • John Whelen (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion



Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Noel McKervey (Catholic Democrat) Strongly pro-life. Supports the 8th amendment
  • James Miller (Ind) Supports the 8th amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment 

  • James Bannon (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Brian Fagan (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated publicly on
  • Paul Hogan (Sinn Fein) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Donal Jackson (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Manchan Magan (Green Party) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Gabrielle McFadden (Fine Gael)  Party legalised abortion in 2013  
  • Dom Parker (AAA-PBP) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment 
  • Willie Penrose (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion



  • Peter Burke (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013 but he has stated publicly that he is against repealing the 8th amendment
  • Connie Gerety Quinn (Fianna Fail) Says there needs to be a constructive and informed debate on the 8th amendment, but that she is pro-life.    
  • Kevin ‘Boxer’ Moran (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated publicly in two newspaper interviews but that he is against abortion also
  • James Morgan (Ind) "The constitution can only be changed by the will of the people. If the people want the 8th amendment repealed then we should listen to the people. What also must be clear is what are we replacing it with if it is to be repealed. My personal position is between the ballot box and me."
  • Robert Troy (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion in 2013 BUT has recently supported abortion where the baby has a severe disability


Waiting for Response

  • Stephanie Healy (DDI)
  • Barbara Smyth (Ind)


Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • David Bradley (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Declan Breathnach (FF) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Michael O’Dowd (Renua) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment 

  • Gerry Adams (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Kevin Callan (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Emma Coffey (Fianna Fail) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Mark Dearey (Green Party) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Peter Fitzpatrick (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Mary Moran (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Fergus O’Dowd (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Imelda Munster (Sinn Fein) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Ged Nash (Labour) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Garett Weldon (AAA-PBP) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Maeve Yore (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment


Waiting for Response

  • Anthony Connor (DDI) 
  • Pat Greene (DDI) 


Meath East

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Thomas Byrne (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion
  • Ben Gilroy (DDI) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Sharon Keogan (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment 

  • Helen McEntee (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Regina Doherty (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Dominic Hannigan (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Seamus McDonagh (Workers Party) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Sean O’Buachalla (Green Party) PParty Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Aisling O’Neill (Social Democrats) PaParty Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Darren O’Rourke (Sinn Fein) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment


Waiting for Response

  • Sarah Tyrell (Renua)

Meath West

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Shane Cassels (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment as stated publicly on LMFM in the last week
  • John Malone (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Peadar Toibín (Sinn Fein) Voted against abortion and Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment 

  • Damien English (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Ray Butler (Fine Gael)  Voted in favour of abortion
  • Tracy McElhinney (Labour)  Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Seamus McMenamin (Green Party) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Alan Lawes (DDI) Against keeping the 8th Amendment. Says people should decide by way of referendum


Waiting for Reponse

  • Trevor Golden (Ind)


Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Kate Bopp (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Eddie Fitzpatrick (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • John Leahy (Renua) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment 

  • Barry Cowen (Fianna Fail) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Marcella Corcoran Kennedy (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • John Foley (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on
  • Carol Nolan (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Ken Smollen (IDP) Against keeping the 8th Amendment. Says people should decide by way of referendum



  • Teresa Ryan Feehan (Ind) Supports the repeal of the 8th Amendment as believes it requires clarity


Waiting for Response

  • Joe Hannigan



Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • James Browne (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th amendment
  • Ger Carthy (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment 

  • Aoife Byrne (Fianna Fail) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Michael W. D’Arcy (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Caroline Fox (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Julie Hogan (Fine Gael) Party policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Brendan Howlin (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Leonard Kelly (Social Democrats) Party policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Paul Kehoe (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • David Lloyd (DDI) ‘Personally pro-choice, but would vote pro-life if that is what his constituents told him to do.’  
  • Emmet Maloney (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Johnny Mythen (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Deirdre Wadding (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Mick Wallace (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Ann Walsh (Green Party) Party policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment



  • Malcolm Byrne (Fianna Fail) Opposed to repeal of the 8th but...  “I would describe myself as broadly pro life and am certainly opposed to abortion on demand. I have mixed views on the issue of how we address Fatal Foetal Abnormalities”.


Waiting for Response

  • John Dwyer (Ind)


Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Billy Timmins (Renua) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Joe Behan (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Pat Casey (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Charlie Keddy (Ind)  Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment 

  • John Brady (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Sharon Briggs (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Avril Cronin (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Jennifer Cuffe (Fianna Fail) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Stephen Donnelly (Social Democrats) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Anna Doyle (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Andrew Doyle (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Anne Ferris (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Simon Harris (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Steven Matthews (Green Party) Party policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment


Waiting for Response

  • Katrina Hutchinson (DDI)


2016: Candidates in Munster



Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Michael McDonagh (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Pat Breen (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Richard Cahill (Ind) Supports holding a referendum as stated in the Clare People, 16th February
  • Joe Carey (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Clare Colleran Molloy (Fianna Fail) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated publicly
  • Timmy Dooley (Fianna Fail) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Dr Michael Harty (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on website
  • Mary Howard (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Noeleen Moran (Sinn Fein) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Michael McNamara (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Ann Norton (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated publicly
  • Ian Lynch (Ind) Supports holding a referendum as stated in the Clare People, 16th February
  • Niamh O’Brien (Fis Nua) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Fergal Smith (Green Party) Party Policy to Repeal the 8th amendment


Waiting for Response

  • Dermot Mulqueen (Ind)

Cork East

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Barbara Ahern (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Paul Bradford (Renua) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Kevin O’Keeffe (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Tom Barry (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Pat Buckley (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Ross Cannon (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated publicly on
  • Ken Curtin (Social Democrats) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Natasha Harty (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th
  • Ciara Leonardi-Roche (AAA-PBP) Supports repeal of the 8th amendment
  • Noel McCarthy (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Sean Sherlock (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • David Stanton (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion


Waiting for Response

  • Mary Linehan Foley (Ind)
  • Kieran McCarthy (Ind)

Cork North-Central

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Ger Keohane (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Paddy O’Leary (Renua) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Mick Barry (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Dara Murphy (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Thomas Gould (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Billy Kelleher (Fianna Fail) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Thomas Kiely (Ind) Favours abortion in some circumstances as publicly stated
  • Kathleen Lynch (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Oliver Moran (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Jonathan O’Brien (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Julie O’Leary (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Aislinn Tongue (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Ted Tynan (Workers Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment


Waiting for Response

  • Peter O'Loughlin (Ind)

Cork North-West

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Aindrias Moynihan (Fianna Fáil) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Michael Moynihan (Fianna Fáil) Voted against abortion and Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Jason Fitzgerald (Renua) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • John Paul O’Shea (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Aine Collins (FG) Voted for abortion in 2013
  • Michael Creed (FG) Voted for abortion in 2013
  • Nigel Dennehy (SF) Party Policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Shirley Griffin (Ind / CPPC) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Cormac Manning (Green) Party Policy is to Repeal the 8th amendment
  • Michael O’Donnell (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Steven O’Riordan (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment



  • Diarmuid O’Flynn (Ind) "I believe in democracy, in the will of the people and their right to express that will. If there is a strong enough move to support it (an online petition that gains 50,000 signatures for example, a nod to Article 48 of the original Constitution), I would support a motion for another Referendum on that Amendment. I want to make clear, however; while I believe that abortion should be allowed in specified limited circumstances (to save the life of the mother one example), I do NOT believe in UK-style or US-style abortion legislation and would both campaign and vote against that. That was my position when the original Amendment was introduced, that is my position now. If and when that occasion arises, I will outline in detail the reasons for my beliefs"


Waiting for Response

  • Jerry O’Sullivan (Ind)

Cork South-Central

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Michael McGrath (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion
  • Joe Harris (Ind) Supports the 8th amendment
  • Elizabeth Hourihane (Ind) Supports the 8th amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Lorna Bogue (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Jerry Buttimer (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Simon Coveney (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Mick Finn (Ind) Against keeping the 8th amendment
  • Ciaran Lynch (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Michael Martin (Fianna Fail) Voted for abortion in 2013
  • Jim O’Connell (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Donnchadh O Laoghaire (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Fiona Ryan (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment


Waiting for Response

  • Diarmaid O Cadhla (Ind)

Cork South West

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Theresa Heaney (Ind) Strongly pro-life and supports the 8th amendment
  • Margaret Murphy-O’Mahony (Fianna Fail) Supports the 8th amendment
  • Michael Collins (Ind) Supports the 8th amendment 


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Alan Coleman (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Jim Daly (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Noel Harrington (Fine Gael) Voted in favour abortion
  • Michael McCarthy (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Rachel McCarthy (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Fiona O’Leary (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Johnny O’Mahony (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment


Waiting for Response

  • Gillian Powell (Ind)


Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • John Brassil (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th amendment
  • Mary Fitzgibbon (Ind) Strongly pro-life and supports keeping the 8th amendment
  • Henry Gaynor (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th amendment
  • Michael Healy-Rae (Ind) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Danny Healy-Rae (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Donal Corcoran (Renua) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on Kerry Radio
  • Jimmy Deenihan (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Brian Finucane (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Martin Ferris (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Brendan Griffin (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Norma Moriarty (Fianna Fail) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on Repeal 8th website
  • Kevin Murphy (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on
  • Grace O’Donnell (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Michael O’Gorman (Ind) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on Kerry Radio
  • Arthur Spring (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion


Limerick City

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Nora Bennis (Ind) Strongly pro-life and supports the 8th amendment
  • Willie O’Dea (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion and supports the 8th amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Sarah Jaen Hennelly (Social Democrats) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • James Gaffney (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Michael Noonan (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Kieran O’Donnell (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Jan O’Sullivan (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Cian Prenderville (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Maurice Quinlivan (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment


Waiting for response

  • Desmond Hayes (Ind)

Limerick County

Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Emmett O’Brien (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Cllr Richard O’Donoghue (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • John O'Gorman (Ind) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Seamus Browne (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Niall Collins (Fianna Fail) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Alexander Cosgrave (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Mark Keogh (DD) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on
  • Tom Neville (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • James Heffernan (Social Democrats) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Patrick O’Donovan (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion



Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Mattie McGrath (Ind) Voted against abortion and supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Michael Lowry (Ind) Voted against abortion
  • Jackie Cahill (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Siobhan Ambrose (Fianna Fail) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Noel Coonan (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Gearoid Fitzgibbon (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Tom Hayes (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Seamus Healy (WUAG) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Alan Kelly (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Seamus Morris (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Marie Murphy (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013


Waiting for Response

  • Michael Dillon (Ind)
  • Caroline Hofman (Ind)
  • Michael Smith (Fianna Fail)


Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • John Walsh (IND) Strongly pro-life. Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Ciara Conway (Labour) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Paudie Coffey (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • David Cullinane (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • John Deasy (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Una Dunphy (AAA-PBP) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • John Halligan (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Grace O’Sullivan (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Mailo Power (Renua) Against keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Edward Quilty (DDI) Against keeping the 8th Amendment as stated on


Waiting for Response

  • Mary Butler (Fianna Fail)


2016: Candidates in Ulster



Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Mary Smyth (IND) Strongly pro-life. Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • John Wilson (Ind, Garda Whistleblower) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Mike Durkan (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Brendan Smith (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion
  • Niamh Smyth (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Michael Callaghan (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Sean Conlan (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Heather Humphreys (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Mick McDermott (DDI) Against keeping the 8th amendment as stated in Northern Sound interview
  • Jimmy Mee (Ind) Against keeping the 8th amendment
  • Caoimhghin O’Caolain (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Aoife O’Connell (DDI) Against keeping the 8th amendment as stated in Northern Sound interview
  • Joe O’Reilly (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Kathryn Reilly (SF) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Emmet Smith (Ind) Against keeping the 8th amendment



Candidates who voted AGAINST abortion and/or who want to PROTECT the 8th amendment

  • Tim Jackson (Ind) Strongly pro-life. Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Pat 'the Cope' Gallagher (Fianna Fail) Supports keeping the 8th Amendment
  • Charlie McConalogue (Fianna Fail) Voted against abortion



  • Frank McBrearty Jnr (Ind) Is pro-life, supports the 8th Amendment but thinks there should be a referendum as stated publicly in Letterkenny IT, public debate on 17 February 2016


Candidates who voted FOR abortion and/or who want to REPEAL the 8th amendment

  • Pearse Doherty (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Gary Doherty (Sinn Fein) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Paula Flanagan (Green Party) Party policy is to repeal the 8th amendment
  • Paddy Harte Jr. (Fine Gael) Party legalised abortion in 2013
  • Niamh Kennedy (Ind) Against keeping the 8th amendment
  • Padraig Mac Lochlainn (Sinn Fein) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Joe McHugh (Fine Gael) Voted in favour of abortion
  • Michael Mooney (Ind) Against keeping the 8th amendment as stated on OceanFM
  • Thomas Pringle (Ind) Voted in favour of abortion


Waiting for Response

  • Ian McGarvey (Ind)
  • Dessie Shiels (Ind)

The information on these pages is from a variety of sources and is verified by cross referencing and checking

  • Direct contact with the Life Institute when contacted by us
  • Local knowledge and requests by constituents personally to the candidate
  • Their own website, printed materials, tweets and facebook comments
  • Public knowledge such as voting records, party stated position, interviews in print and broadcast media
  • From third-party candidate websites such a or


At a Glance

What's this about?

This page is a summary of the Vote for Life 2016 Campaign. It includes, in order: The results of the 2016 elections, a Voters' Checklist, samples of the campaign's social reach, a list of the TD's and how they voted, a summary of the positions of the various political parties in regards to repealing the 8th Amendment, and a breakdown of the 2016 political candidates by county and their views on abortion.