Many people don't believe that fetal experimentation takes place. But the horror is real, and is described in prestigious medical journals. If these atrocities are proudly displayed and described in the world's medical publications, we can only wonder what hideous practices are being carried out in secret!
In the mid-1970s, researchers from four British medical schools began experimentation on live, late-term aborted babies. Dr. Ian Donald, the British gynecologist who first applied ultrasound to obstetrics, told reporters that he had personally witnessed experiments being performed on near-term alive aborted babies at Sweden's Karolinska Institute.
The babies, who were not even afforded the mercy of anaesthetic, writhed and cried in agony, and when their usefulness had expired, they were executed and discarded as garbage.
Father Paul Marx, O.S.B. Confessions of a Pro-Life Missionary. Gaithersburg, Maryland: HLI
At the University of Helsinki in Finland, Dr. Peter Adam of Case Western Reserve University participated in experiments on unborn babies of up to 21 week's gestation who were aborted by hysterotomy. The babies were kept alive and then their heads were cut off (the researchers thought that such a term was too grisly to use, so they employed the words "isolating surgically from the other organs").
Post-Abortion Fetal Study Stirs Storm. Medical World News, June 8, 1973.
This was the same type of 'research' performed by Russian lab workers who had kept "surgically isolated" dog heads alive in the early 1950s. The alleged purpose of this "research," as described in the June 1973 issue of Medical World News, was to ascertain the chemical-processing capability of live foetal brain cells. The cranial tissues were kept alive for up to 30 minutes by pumping fluids through the brain. Dr. Adam later presented the results of his experimentation at an American Pediatric Society symposium, and also published his conclusions in the Transactions of the American Pediatric Society and the Acta Paediatrica Scandinavica.
The August 8, 1975 Federal Register noted the details of this particularly ghastly experiment, which echoed very strongly those performed in Nazi hospitals; "To learn whether the human fetal brain could metabolize ketone bodies as an alternative to glucose, brain metabolism was isolated in 8 human fetuses (12-17 weeks gestation) after hysterotomy abortion, by perfusing the head separated from the rest of the body. This study, conducted in Finland, demonstrated that the human fetus, like previously studied animal fetuses, could modify metabolic processes to utilize ketone bodies."When colleagues criticized him for his ghastly experiments, Dr. Adam replied that
Once society's declared the fetus dead, and abrogated its rights, I don't see any ethical problem ... Whose rights are we going to protect once we've decided the fetus won't live?"
The March 15, 1973 Washington Post reported that Dr. Gerald Gaull, Chief of Pediatrics at the New York State Institute of Basic Research in Mental Retardation,
"... injects radioactive chemicals into fragile umbilical cords of fetuses freshly removed from their mother's womb in abortions. While the heart is still beating, he removes their brains, lungs, livers, and kidneys for study."
Joan Wester Anderson. Beyond Abortion Fetal Experimentation. Our Sunday Visitor, April 13, 1975
An Australian legislator asked a genetics researcher why he used human fetuses in his experiments rather than monkey fetuses, and the researcher said that
"Monkey fetuses were more precious, as there were fewer of them available than human fetuses."
Mark Kahabka. Eugenics Revisited Fidelity Magazine, July/ August 1988
In March of 1973, Connecticut's Attorney General testified before the United States Supreme Court that, at Yale-New Haven Hospital, a living, viable aborted baby boy had been dissected without anesthesia until he finally died.A Dr. Kekomaki would take late-term aborted babies and, while they were still alive, would slice them open and ransack their organs without even giving them an anesthetic. A nurse observed one case and said that;
"They took the fetus and cut its belly open. They said they wanted its liver. They carried the baby out of the incubator and it was still alive. It was a boy. It had a complete body, with hands, feet, mouth and ears. It was even secreting urine." Asked to explain the reasons for this atrocious 'experiment,' Kekomaki replied that "An aborted baby is just garbage."
Our Sunday Visitor. "Cardinal Relates Horror Story About Human Fetuses." March 29, 1987
In 1974, the FDA approved a prostaglandin Prostin F2 Alpha, for use in second trimester abortions. The use of this compound often results in the delivery of a live baby in the late second and early third trimester which can then be used in experiments. Dr. Durt Hirshhorn of New York's Sinai Hospital enthused that:
... with prostaglandins, you can arrange the whole abortion so [the baby] comes out viable in the sense that it can survive hours, or a day ... It is not possible to make this fetus into a child, therefore we can consider it as nothing more than a piece of tissue."
National Observer, April 21, 1973