
Louisa's Story

My mother is a great source of support and practical help.

I was 18 when I found out I was pregnant. I knew that there was a chance of me getting pregnant but I just ignored it! My boyfriend and I had been together for three years so when I told him he was very happy and excited, however my parents were not. When my parents found out they were heart-broken, as they wanted me to go to university and get a teaching job. They spent weeks trying to convince me to have an abortion but I was determined to have my child whether I had my parent's approval or not.It was a hard nine months and I found it very stressful as I was attending college. 

As I got bigger and bigger I got more frightened. When I was about 3 months pregnant I sat down with my mum and talked about what I was going to do and she eventually supported me. Then at 38 weeks I gave birth to a six-pound baby girl. She was so perfect. The best part about giving birth was that my mum was there and she cut the cord. Since having the baby my relationship with my mother has grown stronger and stronger everyday. She treats the baby as if she was her own and she supports me no matter what I do.It's very hard being a mother. A lot harder than I thought it would be. Especially now that I am continuing my education. But I wouldn't change having my daughter for anything. She is my life. My advice to anyone who is pregnant and has disapproving parents is to go with your 'gut' feeling. If you want the child, no matter what you have to sacrifice… do it! You will be surprised how people change their attitude once you show determination and do what you want.


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