Screening of Voiceless : Thur 1 July 8pm

At a Glance


June, 04, 2020


Thursday, 1 July @ 8pm

What's this about?

Exclusive Screening of VOICELESS
Thursday, 1ST July @ 8pm
Register early!


The exclusive showing of the of the box-office hit, pro-life movie, VOICELESS. It’s a powerful and moving story of personal redemption which also lays bare the hidden truth about the abortion industry


This is now closed, if you would still like to catch a screening of Voiceless, please get in touch at

#rallyforlife  #marchforlife  #whywemarch




More about VOICELESS

Jesse Dean is a recently discharged soldier who had a rough upbringing, but because of his wife, found God and now is totally devoted to his faith.

He and wife move to Philadelphia so he can take a new job as an outreach leader at an old church whose membership has been declining. As everything is going well and as he starts connecting to the community, he discovers there's an abortion clinic directly across the street from the church.

He goes to the pastor and to several others in the church and tries to get their help to no avail. One day something tragic and personal happens to him while he's going about his everyday routine. He comes to the point that he begins to take action himself. He gets involved but the more involved he gets, the more resistance he gets from those in church and community. His wife, who thinks his actions will get him fired or land him in jail, also comes against him.

Finally, it comes down to him having to make a choice: is he going to take the easy way out and back off, which is what everyone wants him to do, or will he face a major confrontation which will require him to put everything on the line…not just his job, but his freedom and marriage as well.

This film encourages people to stand up for what they know is right, particularly as it pertains to taking God's truths into society to address social issues. It addresses the spirit of retreat as it pertains to engaging the culture that has developed within the Church.

#rallyforlife  #marchforlife  #whywemarch



"I just finished the preview of VOICELESS. You all did an amazing job. There are so many variables when dealing with this issue but I feel that the writer did a good job incorporating as many as he could within the story. The movie shows what the voice of one woman can do if she is free to speak."

Sue Liljenberg, International Director, Healing Hearts Ministries

"VOICELESS is raw, powerful, and transformational. Viewers will be enlightened, empowered, and inspired to action."

Emeal Zwayne, President of Living Waters, Executive Producer of 180

"The voiceless now have a voice in this powerful heart stirring film. A must see."

Evangelist Alveda C. King, Civil Rights for the Unborn and King Family Legacy

"One of the best pro-life films out there – a breath of fresh air!"

Joe Roche, Faith and Family Films

"VOICELESS tells a powerful story, gripping and gritty, as the humble Jesse moves into an inner city church and tackles one of this generation's most critical, life-and-death issues. It dares a complacent church and every hesitant Christ-follower to take a bolder stand for righteousness."

Randall Murphree, Editor, AFA Journal, American Family Association

"I was moved by VOICELESS! Forgiveness, renewal and reconciliation flooded my heart for the many who have been and who are being affected by abortion. This movie is a catalyst to bring action to the church and hope to the hurting."

Ron Hindt, Houston Texas

"No Words! It was very well acted, very well directed, kept my attention more than an action movie as the plot unfolded. Just brilliant!! I’m speechless at VOICELESS!!! In light of this body parts story I wish it were released tomorrow!!"

Lloyd Pulley, Pastor, Old Bridge NJ

"I am in absolute awe of that genuine work of art! I am almost always disappointed by Christian films. NOT THIS TIME!!!!! HOLY SMOKE! I was ambushed by how powerful and accurate and just PROFOUND your film is! I’m blown away! Such good acting and writing and directing!!!"

Ken Graves, Pastor, Central Maine

"VOICELESS is a powerful, realistic and excellent movie that provides the answer to end abortion in America. A MUST see for every DISCIPLE of JESUS CHRIST!"

Tim Hearron, Pastor, Downey California

"VOICELESS is pro-life but it's thoughtful, sympathetic and non-judgemental. It’s real but it's attractive and is the 1-2 knockout punch to planned parenthood. The movie is amazing and could change America."

Jason Jones, Producer of the Pro-life film Bella and founder of Movie to Movement

"VOICELESS reminds us of the need for courage, conviction, and perseverance in the cause for life. This film tells a powerful story you don’t want to miss. We all need to speak and act always with the kind of courageous passion we see in VOICELESS."

Peggy Hartshorn, President of Heartbeat International


At a Glance


June, 04, 2020


Thursday, 1 July @ 8pm

What's this about?

Exclusive Screening of VOICELESS
Thursday, 1ST July @ 8pm
Register early!