
  • Should images of aborted children be used to help convince people that abortion is wrong?

    Voting for this poll is closed

    • Yes
    • 88%


    • No
    • 12%


Should pro-life activists use images of aborted children to help convince people that abortion is wrong and immoral? A distinguished Catholic philosopher says Yes - and that the Bishops should join us in doing so!

Lifesitenews recently posted a new video released the previous month by the Canadian Centre for Bioethical Reform, which features famed Catholic philosopher and author Peter Kreeft saying that he would definitely take a side on the use of graphic images; he agreed with their use.

"What is wrong with exposing people to the truth?" he asked. "Suppose you were allowed to show the horrors in Auschwitz to the average German citizen. It might have toppled Hitler earlier. If something horrible is happening, covering it up is more horrible."

Using the images is "probably going to be illegal. You'll probably be thrown in jail," he said.

He then recounted a story about a pro-life activist who picketed with a graphic image as President Bill Clinton entered the 1992 Democratic Convention in New York, and was arrested despite being well outside the 10-foot limit.

"None of the TV cameras filmed that incident. Well, if a hundred people did that, the TV cameras would have to film it," he explained. "If a hundred bishops marched with those pictures and got thrown in jail, the newspapers would have to headline '100 bishops thrown in jail'."

"That would be wonderful," he continued. "Not because I hate bishops, because I love them."

How do you feel about the use of graphic images? Is it right or wrong? 

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