One of the highlights of the whole Festival of events around this year's Rally for Life was the UNFILTERED online conference for young people on Sunday.
The conference was a great opportunity to hear from young pro-life leaders, influencers and activists.
The conference heard from a series of exciting guests and looked at the different platforms used to win hearts and minds.
We discussed styles and tactics that have emerged from people such as Lila Rose to Laura Klassan to Ben Shapiro. What works, what doesn't and how do we best get involved and really impact on the public conversation.
Thank you for joining us if you did! WATCH back and SHARE if you haven't!
#rallyforlife #marchforlife #whywemarch
Speakers included:
SANDRA PARDA: of Students for Life NUIG on being active on campus
BLACK AND WHITE: Grace and Eden are two young pro-life activists from the UK making a big impact on the scene with bold and unafraid communications
EMMETT DOOLEY: Comms officer SPUC Scotland on how to talk to people about abortion
BECKY KEALY: The amazing vote-getter from Cork on standing up and being heard
BEN SCALLAN: The young up and coming commentator on using social media to grow the pro-life message
LUCY KELLY: Making a media impact
MARIA MAYNES: Llife-saving pro-life activism in the public square
Thank you for joining us if you did! WATCH back and SHARE if you haven't!