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“Kids are wonderful” Couple share how baby was saved by abortion reversal

Image credit: Pregnancy Help News/Lisa Bourne

A US couple have recently shared how their baby daughter is alive today after she was saved by the Abortion Pill Reversal. They now hope that other women can become aware of this process so that their babies can also be saved. 

 According to Live Action, a US couple, who go by the names Elizabeth and Ben, were in an on-again-off-again relationship when Elizabeth became pregnant. Elizabeth agonised over what to do, and after not showing up to five of her booked appointments with Planned Parenthood, she eventually attended an appointment.

 Describing her experience at Planned Parenthood, whom she had once supported, Elizabeth said that there was no counseling about options and was left in a room on her own to give her time in making her decision. She said she cried for two hours there and that in the end she felt pressured into having the abortion with staff telling her to “not put too much weight on it” and that the pregnancy was “far from being a baby.” With this pressure and being informed that the clinic was about to close, Elizabeth took the first pill to start the abortion process.

 Elizabeth had begun the first step of a medical abortion which consists of taking two pills. The first is mifepristone, which prohibits progesterone, a hormone needed for the survival of the baby in pregnancy. The second pill, Misoprostol, is then used to expel the remains of the baby from the mother’s womb.

“When I took the pill at Planned Parenthood, I knew instantly I had made the wrong choice,” Elizabeth said.

At that moment, Ben sent Elizabeth a message telling her to “Get out of there. Kids are wonderful!” 

“I just had this feeling in my gut that this wasn't the right thing to do,” Ben told Pregnancy Help News. “So, I sent her a text message saying, ‘You know what? Get out of there. We can do this.’”

Elizabeth tried to throw up the medication, but when that didn’t work, she and Ben searched online for home remedies to stop the abortion process. They came across the number for the Abortion Pill Reversal Network, which according to Live Action consists of over 1,400 professionals who provide to Abortion Pill Reversal (APR) to women who have taken the first pill in the chemical abortion process. The APR consists of progesterone to reverse the effects of the first abortion pill, which Live Action reports has saved over 5,000 babies. 

Despite claims that the APR is “unsafe and unproven”, a recent study in Australia has shown that the APR had no significant adverse effects and had resulted in the continuance of the pregnancy.  

Elizabeth was given the APR and shortly after, she and Ben were put in touch with Care Net of Paradise, who provided them with an ultrasound that confirmed their little baby had survived, leaving everyone in the room crying.

 Elizabeth said that it was “the most magical feeling I had ever felt.”

 “When I first saw Evelyn on the sonogram machine in Care Net, my heart leapt,” said Ben.

 The couple welcomed a baby girl in January this year, whom they named Evelyn, which Elizabeth said means “wished for a child”, where she also said that she feels “like I won the lottery.” They have continued visiting Care Net, where the organisation has also helped them with parenting and with their own relationships.

 Elizabeth and Ben wanted to share their story as they felt it important that other women are aware of APR.

 “If even one abortion is reversed because I made them aware of APR, I would be happy,” Elizabeth said. “I’m forever in debt to APR, Care Net and Heartbeat International and many others.” 

Sandra Parda of the Life Institute said: “thank God that this beautiful little baby was saved by the APR. Too many women are pushed into an abortion they do not want, and can immediately regret it afterwards. But thankfully there is the APR that can help these women reverse the effects of the first abortion pill during a first trimester abortion.”

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