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Reclaim Ireland youth group take to Dublin streets to share the pro-life message

Our pro-life youth initiative took to the streets in Dublin last weekend to share the pro-life message, and their new display attracted a lot of attention.  

This past Saturday, a pro-life street session organised by Reclaim Ireland, saw a group of young people taking to O’Connell Street in Dublin to engage the public in fruitful discussions and grow awareness of the reality of Ireland’s abortion regime.

The young pro-lifers held a range of posters that highlighted the cruel reality of abortion, and also had a stand that displayed models of an unborn baby’s life in the womb.It was a busy street session with lots of engagement. 

 With thousands of unborn babies being lost to abortion in Ireland every year, it is important that the pro-life message is brought to light once again to the public so that we can rebuild a culture in Ireland that values and respects all life from the moment of conception.

Sandra Parda, who organized the street session, said the posters had a significant impact on those in the city centre, prompting many to stop and talk.  

“As we gathered at O’Connell Street on a sunny afternoon, we decided to carry with us posters that would make one stop and rethink their position about abortion,” she said.

“The humanity of the baby in the womb cannot be argued. It is a human being- simple as. With the medical models of the babies and colourful posters, we attracted quite a lot of attention and had many fruitful conversations with people. Surprisingly, we had a lot of people who came over to us and gave us praise for the work we were doing.”

 “Today we know for a fact that the number of abortions in Ireland is growing by the day. We need to be loud and clear about being pro-life. We need to talk about the humanity of the unborn baby and about the devastating consequences of abortions on the woman. Even if we can save one life by being out on the street or talking about it, it's all worth it,” she continued.

“Over the years we have seen how small voices and small acts around the world can make big differences. For us, it begins with being on the streets of Dublin. Each month we go out, we protest and talk to people about the horrors of abortion.”

The pro-life street session, she said, was a reminder that without the right to life, there are absolutely no other rights. Just remember, that with other human rights or issues, it all started with a single voice saying “NO”. This time we are saying no to the greatest atrocity of humankind, the killing of millions of babies all in the name of “choice”. We are the voice of the voiceless.”

These street sessions will continue each month. If you or anyone you know would like to join, please get in touch with Reclaim at reclaimireland@gmail.com. For more updates, follow the Reclaim Facebook page here.

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