Babies saved in Dublin and Belfast

This week we are so delighted to share two beautiful and encouraging stories of mothers and babies saved from abortion. The wonderful ladies in Gianna Care received this post from a young mother who they had been supporting through her pregnancy, and who had given birth to a beautiful baby boy.

"For those unaware, I discovered I was pregnant in Ireland. I thought yes on abortion, I know that the topic is difficult and controversial,  but the idea crossed my mind. But God is so powerful and acts through others.

I was at the height of my despair, I found refuge in the words and hugs of three Irish women , they did not want to know who I was or what I had done , they just wanted to save my baby.

I had nowhere to go, money to pay my rent, food, were in another country, cold and despair consumed my soul and when I least expected, they extended my hands , treated me as a daughter, took care of me and my psychological health, they were angels sent by God , they saved me and saved my son's life, it was love more than anything in my life!"

This mother called her baby boy Nícolas and wrote:

"Yes, they can tell you my story, I want the world to know, I want other mothers have the courage to become mothers .... my Nícolas is a warrior who came to this world with absolute certainty to transform my life, I am grateful to God for giving me permission to be a mother."

She said Gianna Care went out:

"every day .... in search of mothers who are afraid, who were abandoned by their companions, who do not know what to do with the little being growing inside them, the possibility for being a mother takes us by surprise, is something totally frightening, so God chose them as angels to help these mothers who are scared at first."

Bernadette Smyth of Precious Life also shared her joy after hearing that a young mother had decided to keep her baby twins after meeting with members of Precious Life. She was previously considering abortion. Precious Life are offering the mother support and resources. Bernie and her team work tirelessly outside Marie Stopes in Belfast: on a daily basis they speak to women and offering them better solutions than abortion.    


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