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Actor Sylvester Stallone reveals he survived an abortion attempt

Image credit: YouTube Screenshot from Unwaxed

Actor Sylvester Stallone has revealed in an interview that he survived an abortion attempt, saying that his mother told him she made at least one attempt to abort him.

According to Live Action, Stallone underwent an interview on an episode of the podcast Unwaxed, hosted by Stallone’s daughters Sophia and Sistine Stallone. The interview was done in light of his upcoming Netflix documentary “Sly” which is about his life and legacy.

During the interview, Stallone’s daughters asked him about his difficult upbringing where his comments suggest that his mother had made at least one DIY abortion attempt.  

“You had said that your mom was nervous to have you,” said Sistine. “She didn’t want you, right?”

“Not at all,” replied Stallone. “My mother would say, ‘The only reason you’re here is because the hanger didn’t work’ or ‘bouncing down those steps didn’t cause you to get lost.'”

“And she said that, ‘You know, truthfully, Sylvester … you know, if there was really something wrong with your brain, I would have definitely opened up the window and put you on the windowsill and let you freeze because I’d be doing you a favor,” he added.

Stallone’s daughters were visibly shocked. “What type of mother says that to their child?” Sophia asked.

However, Stallone goes onto explain his mother’s difficult upbringing and how it impacted her as a mother, which he said explained her abortion attempt and subsequent abuse and neglect Stallone suffered in his childhood.  

“My mother, she was was a troubled person. She was put into an orphanage, you know, and a very cruel orphanage because her father had remarried and the new stepmother hated her,” he explained.

“I think her ability to ever show love was short-circuited. She literally couldn’t stand to be touched or touch at all. I mean, not even a hug,” he added.

Sandra Parda of the Life Institute said: “Thank God, Sylvester Stallone survived the abortion attempt and is alive today to enjoy life and his family”. 

“Sadly, many babies that survive an abortion attempt are left to die and don’t get that same chance at life. All lives are valuable and we must do what we can to ensure that all babies and are cared for in a dignified manner, so that they are given every chance at life.”

“Too many women are still left to struggle alone with an unexpected pregnancy,” she added. “But it is the pro-life movement that offers women real support and choices.”

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