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New platform from Marie Stopes allows teens to abort without parental knowledge

Image Credit: Alexander Grey via Unsplash

Marie Stopes have recently launched a new platform that will allow for women, including those under the age of 18, to obtain an abortion without the knowledge of their parents or family members.

According to Right to Life UK, MSI Reproductive Choices (formerly Marie Stopes International) have launched a platform called “Vagina Privacy Network” with the tagline “so your private parts stay private”, which is supposed to be in response to the overturning of Roe v Wade.

In partnership with Advocates for Youth, the launch of this initiative included distributing pre-paid phones across college campuses with a pre-programmed guide which is to helps users obtain an abortion without the knowledge of their parents or families. Their website also provides 7 tips on keeping digital privacy when searching for information on abortion, which includes downloading “a secure web browser” to allow women to use the internet anonymously.

This has not been the only attempt to get women and minors to obtain an abortion without the knowledge of other family members. Right to Life UK report that in the UK, England’s RSE guidance urges schools to refer to a website called Sexwise as an “up to date information on all aspects of sexual and reproductive health…which teachers may find helpful for their knowledge”. However, Sexwise gives information on how young girls can obtain an abortion without parental knowledge.

Right to Life UK spokesperson, Catherine Robinson, commented on this saying: “This digital privacy initiative is extremely dangerous for vulnerable women and girls under the age of 18 who are being encouraged to seek abortions, in secret, without searching for help from family or friends”.

“The abortion industry cannot be trusted to replace parents to know what is in the best interests of their child”.

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