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Post Roe, Texas sees abortion rates drop to nearly zero

Image Credit: Germs via Unsplash

Texas has seen a decline in abortion rates since the overturning of Roe v Wade, where new data reveals that the number of abortions in the American state have dropped to nearly zero.

The Human Life Protection Act prohibits abortion in Texas with the exception of when the mother’s life or health is at risk.

According to an analysis by Texas Alliance for Life of the recent Health and Human Services Commission report that was released at the start of the month, the number of elective abortions after the overturning of Roe v Wade “have consistently dropped from thousands per month to zero,” with the number of reported medically necessary abortions being 102.

“Texas’ laws continue to save unborn babies from abortion while also protecting women’s lives in those rare and tragic cases where pregnancy endangers a pregnant woman’s life or health,” said Amy O’Donnell, the Communications Director of Texas Alliance for Life. “The latest report reaffirms that contrary claims are completely baseless,” she added.

This is further reiterated as the analysis also highlights that the average number of abortions in the case of medical necessity per month before the Dobbs case was 2.6, whereas the monthly average after Dobbs is 4.9.

However, multiple medical experts have testified that abortion is never necessary to save a mother’s life, such as OB/GYN Dr Ingrid Skop.

“My peers and I know what these conditions are [that lead to a dangerous medical situation], even if we cannot predict with certainty whether that complication will cause a woman to die or experience severe impairment, or how quickly this harm may occur. Once I have made that determination, I am willing to induce labor to protect my maternal patient, even if I can predict her child may not survive. All laws allow intervention at the time of diagnosis of these serious conditions,” she said.

This is also supported by the testimony of former abortionist turned pro-life, Dr Anthony Levatino who testifies that during his time as abortionist, he never had to perform an abortion to save a mother’s life. In an interview with Lila Rose, he has also stated that in the case of a medical emergency, the abortion procedure could be more harmful to the mother due to its lengthy procedure as opposed to a quick delivery of the baby via an emergency c-section. 

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