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Teens pro-life song becomes top five hit on iTunes country songs

Image credit: Rachel Holt via Facebook

A new pro-life song, that is written from the perspective of an unborn baby girl, was released last week and has reached the top five hits on iTunes’ country songs. 

As part of the Celebration of Life weekend in celebration of the second anniversary of the overturning of Roe v Wade, 18-year-old country singer from Indiana, Rachel Holt, released the song “I was gonna be” written by Chris Wallin, and soon became fifth in iTunes most listened to country songs.

Wallin, who is the Executive Partner and Head of A&R at Baste Records, a label that supports artists with traditional values, wrote the song from the perspective of an unborn baby girl who was aborted. 

Speaking to Breitbart in response to the song’s success, Wallin said “I’m just humbled honestly. When I first started writing this song I didn’t think anyone would ever actually sing it. I wrote it because I thought something had to be said.” 

However, after discovering Ms Holt in 2023, and signing her to his record, Holt immediately offered to be the voice for the song.

“I’m singing that song. I think a lot of the songs that girls my age listen to never talk about real life. And that’s what I want to do,” Holt had said to Wallin on one occasion. 

The lyrics to the song go as:

“Some don’t believe I’m a living soul

Just a bad mistake that needs to go

If my mama coulda just seen my face

Maybe she woulda had me anyway

There are those who speak for me

Who fight for lives that they can’t see

But there are some who only mourn?

This life of mine if I were born?

All I wanted was a chance

To learn to love and laugh and dance

But I was gone before I arrived

Sent back to heaven on a starlight flight

I was gonna have some pretty curls

Yeah I was gonna be a girl

I’m more than just some one night stand

Or some burden that you think I am

And there ain’t no man ever gonna be

What I was gonna be

Some don’t believe I’m a living soul

Just a bad mistake that needs to go”

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