Late Abortions

Abortion makes life cheap and disposable

The pro-abortion lobby claims that easy access to safe, legal abortions and unlimited access to contraception reduce the amount of late abortions. The reality, however, is the opposite. Abortion creates an culture where children are seen as consumer items; if they are convenient, let them live; if not, abort them. It makes life very cheap. 

Evidence of this was seen in Britain in 2007 where the number of late abortions in had reached a record level. Almost 3,000 abortions were carried out on women who were at least 20 weeks pregnant, according to the latest annual figures in England and Wales, representing a 44 per cent increase in less than a decade.

The vast majority were for "lifestyle" reasons; less than a quarter were because of a risk that the child would be born handicapped. The Government's approach has left the present generation of young women with the impression that abortions were "like having an appendix out".

The government and media have created a a very casual attitude towards sex, which is aided and abetted by the medical profession. Women get the idea it's a trivial matter and as a result they are much more cavalier about presenting to their GP late.

There was further shocking evidence reported in the Daily Mail on 31st March 2008 which said that 1,3000 women have had at least five abortions each. Almost 950 of those having a termination had already had four. Almost 200 had already had five, 110 had had six before - and 54 seven or more.

At the same time, 61,904 women in England and Wales were having their second abortion last year - up from 58,740 in 2004.

The statistics were disclosed by Dawn Primarolo, the Public Health Minister, in late March.

Reality of late abortions

The abortion industry says that late abortions are primarily for children who they claim are dead, dying or profoundly disabled. The reality is different.

A recent paper (2015) entitled, “Who seeks abortion at or after 20 weeks?” supports these conclusions. The study, published in Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health, a journal of the Guttmacher Institute, marks a notable departure from previous statements by abortion rights advocates that late-term abortions were rarely elective.

Authors Foster and Kimport highlight the characteristics of women seeking abortion at or after 20 weeks gestation.  The authors acknowledge that, in fact, wider “data suggests that most women seeking later terminations are not doing so for reasons of fetal anomaly or life endangerment.” The study explores reasons for delay in seeking abortion services, comparing first-trimester and late-term abortion groups.  While there are numerous limitations to the study, the authors suggest that the characteristics of women who seek both first-trimester and late-term abortions are substantially similar.

Read more here...

Babies left to die

  • The Daily Mail reported that in just one year, 66 babies in the United Kingdom who survived abortion attempts were left to die. 
  • Canadian government statistics indicated that an average of 49 such born-alive infants die each year.
  • Twelve hundred babies surviving abortions in the U.S., even in just one year, is a conservative estimate. Thousands of children have survived abortions in the forty years following the national legalization of abortion in 1973.
  • Just eight years after Roe v. Wade, Liz Jeffries and Rick Edmonds were named Pulitzer Prize finalists for their series on the live-birth abortions already epidemic in the abortion industry. Jeffries and Edmonds recorded heartbreaking testimonies from nurses who held and comforted dying abortion survivors.
  • In 2011, the CDC recorded 1,298 cases of infant death in the U.S. due to “Other perinatal conditions,” which includes ICD-10 category P96.4, death subsequent to a failed “termination of pregnancy.” Numbers have not been released for the particular category. If they ever are, we can expect them to be far lower than the actual death toll. As Dr. Cates reminded us, there is no “reliable voluntary reporting of live birth” after abortion.
  • In 2007, a study published in the British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology concluded that about 1 in 30 abortions after 16 weeks’ gestation result in a born-alive infant. At 23 weeks’ gestation, the number reached 9.7%. By a very conservative estimate, this study would suggest that over 900 babies survive late-term abortions each year in the U.S .
  • Anecdotal evidence is just as shocking. In 2008, Students for Life of America conducted an undercover investigation of a Planned Parenthood late-term abortion clinic in Freehold, NJ. A nurse explained to the investigator that a 22-week abortion involves inducing delivery. The investigator then asked if babies are ever delivered alive. The nurse replied, “It does happen, where it’s still alive…but it wouldn’t be able to survive on its own, so eventually the baby does die.”
  • In Live Action’s Inhuman investigation, clinic workers and abortionists in New York and Washington, D.C. describe drowning born-alive infants in jars of toxic solution or leaving them to die without medical care. A clinic counselor at Family Planning Associates in Arizona admits that babies have survived abortions at the clinic. When that happens, she says, “[t]hey will not resuscitate.”

[1] There were 1.21 million abortions in 2008 in the U.S., 1.5% of which were performed after 21 weeks’ gestation. Jones and Kooistra, “Abortion Incidence And Access To Services In The United States, 2008” Perspectives on Sexual and Reproductive Health 43, no. 1 (2011), 41-50.

5.4% of babies survived abortions at 21 weeks’ gestation. Wyldes and Tonks, “Short Communication: Termination of Pregnancy for Fetal Anomaly: A Population-Based Study 1995 to 2004,” British Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology 114, no. 5 (May 2007), 639–642.

Watch this clip of a Planned Parenthood lobbyist Alisa LaPolt Snow lobbying against extending protections to children who are born alive after failed abortions, saying “any decision that’s made should be left up to the woman, the family, and the physician.”

After birth operation

Yes, it seems the abortion advocates have already moved on. Now that they are well on the road to abortion on demand, they now advocate abortion for born infants (and who knows after that).

KILLING newborns is morally the same as abortion and should be permissible if the mother wishes it, Australian philosophers have argued in an article that has unleashed a firestorm of criticism and forced the British Medical Journal to defend its publication.

Alberto Giubilini, from Monash University, and Francesca Minerva, from the University of Melbourne, say a foetus and a newborn are equivalent in their lack of a sense of their own life and aspiration.

About a third of infants with Down syndrome are not diagnosed prenatally, Drs Giubilini and Minerva say, and mothers of children with serious abnormalities should have the chance to end the child's life after, as well as before, birth.

But this should also extend to healthy infants, the pair argue in the BMJ group's Journal of Medical Ethics, because the interests of a mother who is unwilling to care for it outweigh a baby's claims.
