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Vote Pro-Life 2024: Let's get information to voters

On Friday 7th June, Irish voters will be heading to polling stations to vote in two elections: the Local Council elections and the European elections.

Since the legalisation of abortion in Ireland, we now have seen the cruel reality of abortion, with over 10,000 abortions occurring in Ireland in 2023.  

Furthermore, just three years ago, the EU voted in favour of an extreme abortion report that sought to define abortion as a “human right”. No one had the right to deny the human rights of another human being, especially the most helpless of them all.

Therefore, in this fight to protect unborn babies from abortion, it is vital that we ensure that voters have a full understanding of who their pro-life candidates are, so that the Irish pro-life voice is heard and represented within our Local Councils and in the European Union.

This is ever more important now after the passing of the abortion zones bill that would further silence the pro-life voices that seek to pray for women or offer them assistance instead of abortion. 

Life Institute are urging voters to contact their candidates for both elections to ask them of their stance on pro-life issues. This information will aid us in our Vote Pro-Life intiative to ensure that voters know which candidates to vote for to favour the pro-life position.

Each vote matters and we cannot stress enough the importance of ensuring we have pro-life representatives in both our Local Councils and in the European Parliament, for anything can help us in our fight to protect unborn babies from abortion.

A list of the EU candidates and a list of County Councilors will be available soon. If you have information about a candidate, please forward it to info@thelifeinstitute.net so we can share it with the pro-life community.

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