Image credit: Live Action
Live Action's educational “Baby Olivia” video could be used in Idaho schools after lawmakers passed a bill in the senate that would require schools to provide students with education on the development and growth of an unborn child.
According to Live Action, last week, lawmakers in the Idaho Senate passed a bill that would require the state's schools to provide “human growth and development instruction” for students in grades 5 to 12. This instruction is to include an ultrasound showing the development of the brain, heart and other organs as well as a “high-quality, computer generated rendering or animation showing the process of fertilization and every stage of human development inside the uterus, noting significant markers in cell growth and organ development for every week of pregnancy until birth.”
Back in 2021, Live Action released a realistic video of the development of the unborn child titled “Baby Olivia”. This beautiful depiction of life in the womb is a medically and scientifically accurate video that has been reviewed by medical experts.
“A never before seen look at human life in the womb. From a single-celled human to a baby with a beating heart, brainwaves, fingers, and toes, Olivia shows the remarkable beauty of human life,” Live Action had said upon the release of their video. “This video confirms what science has proved: human life begins at the moment of fertilization.”
“Olivia is a spectacular and medically accurate portrayal of the development of a baby girl within the womb. It is based on information from the Endowment for Human Development, a highly respected scientific source on embryology and fetal development,” said OB-GYN Kathi Aultman, MD, FACOG, on the accuracy of the video.
“Olivia draws back the curtain on the womb giving us a realistic glimpse of the baby within. As a retired OB-GYN, I wish this had been available for my patients.”
Live Action report that their “Baby Olivia” video would meet the requirements of Idaho’s bill. Although the bill was criticised over claims that “Baby Olivia” was “inaccurate”, the bill nevertheless was passed and will be considered further in the Idaho house. This could see “Baby Olivia” being used within schools across the state.
“This bill introduces a structured and scientifically accurate curriculum to teach students about human biology, fetal development, and the process of pregnancy,” said Senator Tammy Nichols, a sponsor of the bill. “The program will be integrated in human biology or where discussions of contraceptive or sexually transmitted diseases are done, providing a comprehensive education on reproductive health.”
Misinformation and misunderstandings of life in the womb has been an influential factor when it comes to abortion. A few years ago, Life Institute reported on the story of a young woman, CG Richardson, who had undergone four abortions due to her lack of understanding of life in the womb and believing in the lies from the abortion industry that the unborn child was not a human. She realised the truth after her fourth abortion resulted in her passing the intact body of her child, and has since shared her story to help other women know the truth and to choose life.
Live Action have also released a series of videos of people changing their mind on abortion after watching a video of what abortion really involves.
Sandra Parda of the Life Institute commented, saying: “This is a brilliant step in ensuring that the next generation are properly educated on life in the womb. It has become clear that there is a lot of misinformation and confusion as to when life begins, which has played a part in influencing a person’s perspective of abortion.”
“What we have seen from experiences is that when people come to know the truth about the life of the unborn child, as well as abortion, it gets them to rethink their stance on abortion and see it for what it really is: the murdering of an innocent little baby. Educating people on the facts is an important part of rebuilding a culture of life.”
She added that it would be “fantastic if this law came into being” and it is “important that other states as well as other countries, including Ireland, follow this lead and consider providing these types of resources to schools.”
Just the Facts is a resource available in Ireland that provides week-to-week descriptions of the development of an unborn child, as well as resources that can be used in schools. More information can be accessed on their website.
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