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Live Action's educational “Baby Olivia” video could be used in Idaho schools after lawmakers passed a bill in the senate that would require schools to provide students with education on the development and growth of an unborn child.
Kieth Merrill, a member of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences, a body that votes in the Academy Awards, refused to watch a pro-choice film, stating that he had no interest in watching a film about a mother getting someone to kill her unborn child.
Screenings of Unplanned have been extended once more in Dublin cinemas in response to public demand.
UPDATE! Up to 40 cinemas across Ireland will now show the pro-life movie, Unplanned, in response to public demand.
With the non-stop media push to repeal the right to life of helpless babies, it was time for an initiative to strip away the slogan and show that #RepealKills. Repeal the 8th is just an empty slogan being used to mask the fact that abortion campaigners want to legalise the killing of preborn babies.
If you haven’t yet watched – and shared – the new video from the Life Institute on media bias in the Irish Times, and the curious case of the abortion that never happened, then you can do so right here.
This week on Newstalk radio, Niamh Uí Bhriain pointed out the huge media bias in regard to abortion, commenting that “when the Repeal the 8th crowd say jump, the media ask how high?”
The Life Institute has said that the decision of advertisers not to run with billboards from Newstalk radio can only be attributed to the behaviour of pro-abortion campaigners.
This week Amnesty launched a fully-fledged media assault on preborn children and on the 8th amendment - the article in Ireland's constitution which protects unborn babies from the violence of abortion. Amnesty's new campaign uses some Irish ‘celebrities’ to try and convince the Irish people that the 8th amendment must be repealed and these protections must be removed.
Abortion is not a treatment for suicide: that's what the experts told the government at the Oireachtas Committee hearings on abortion. Now these powerful newspaper adverts spelling out that expert evidence will be seen in a total of 40 newspapers - including 7 national daily and Sunday papers.
A series of adverts booked by the Life Institute in Ireland's most widely read daily paper reveals the truth that abortion never saves a life. Dublin was recently host to a major international conference - The International Symposium on Maternal Health - which confirmed that abortion is never necessary to save the life of a woman. The Life Institute are making sure that this declaration is not ignored.
On Friday, pro-life groups will launch the biggest widespread information and awareness campaign ever seen in Ireland on the abortion issue. More than 600 advertising sites will be used nationwide to carry a striking pro-life message that explains how "abortion tears lives apart" and why "there is always a better answer".
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