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The government’s Safe Access Zones Bill, which would make it a criminal offence to pray or demonstrate outside GP centres, health facilities and hospitals providing abortion nationwide, has been met with scrutiny in the Seanad.
British police have again been accused of acting like "thought police" after they again took action against a woman praying 'in her head' near an abortion clinic, despite recent assurances from Britain’s Home Secretary Suella Braverman that silent prayer near abortion providers is not a crime.
The Oireachtas Joint Committee on Health has heard concerns from TDs around current practice which permits at-home and remote abortions, and around proposals to scrap the three-day waiting time for abortion made in the abortion review.
On Wednesday, 27th September, during the second stage of the Exclusion Zones bill, 111 TDs voted to criminalise pro-life prayer, a shameful attempt to censor and silence pro-lifers and deny women real support in pregnancy.
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