Mary Anne
I’m just a student with a dream, there’s nothing very unusual about that. But my dream affects every person in the world. It’s a dream that I share with millions of others; I dream of a day when nobody will be denied their right to life. The right to life is the most fundamental right of all and without it all other rights are pointless. This is not just a personal issue; this is the biggest human rights abuse of our time. Those of us who are alive cannot deny this right to others. I hope that our grandchildren’s generation will look back on this period in history with astonishment and disgust. We can be certain that they will ask the same question that we do of past generations, “Why was this allowed to happen?” We cannot stand back while our brothers and sisters are being denied their right to life. Life is a right for all, not just the strong and powerful. So let’s stand up for life, from conception to natural death. We can all make a difference – you, me, everybody!
Posts by Mary Anne
The Life Institute
Ann Farmer
Ann Marie Madden
Baby Blogger
Bernadette Smyth
Caitlin Lawlor
David Mullins
Eadaoin R
Elaine Cole
Fionnuala Nic Mhathuna
Guest Blogger
Jennifer As
Jennifer Fulwiler
Jonathon Van Maren
Kate Bryan
Lydia Mead
Maggie Walsh
Mann Inside
Maria Forrestal
Maria Horan
Marion Murphy
Mary Anne
Maurice O'Brien
Megan Scallan
Niamh Uí Bhriain
Sarah Howell
Tim Jack
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