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Posts by Guest Blogger
- Abortion 'exclusion zone' legislation comes into effect
- Baby Loss: A retreat to help heal the brokenhearted
- WATCH: Niamh Uí Bhriain on Niall Boylan Show re SPHE
- Australian midwife testifies about babies left to die following abortions
- Assisted suicide availed of solely related to eating disorders – study
- Sun comes out for Rally for Life, as O'Connell St packed for protest
- Deafening silence on maternal deaths now that abortion is legal
- US: Pro-life activists jailed for 2020 “rescue” at abortion facility
- Abortion supporters are still wrong about the three-day reflection period
- Is aborting someone OK if we won't miss them?
- The organisation that offers abortion ceremonies
- "Untruths and gross distortions" used to justify abortion zones law, says group
- How campaigners dropped the ‘fatal’ from ‘fatal foetal abnormalities’ in push for abortion
- Irish MEPs join EU lawmakers in voting to enshrine abortion as a fundamental right
- The west cannot take ‘human dignity’ for granted
- Horror in Prague: A hospital aborted the baby of the wrong mother
- Britain: MPs call on Home Office to allow conversation and prayer outside abortion centres
- "A testament to society's failure": 7681 abortions carried out in North of Ireland since 2020
- Seeing baby born alive after abortion “changed me profoundly,” says former MP Nadine Dorries
- Canadian dad calls on judge to block 27-year-old daughter's assisted suicide
- How the taxpayer is subsidising a biased version of recent abortion history
- UK doctors urge MPs to lower abortion limit from 24 weeks
- BPAS’ cheap Mother’s Day provocation a masterclass in ‘rage-baiting’
- Consultant geriatrician slams Oireachtas Committee support for assisted suicide
- "Abortion is not a freedom": Reaction to France making abortion a constitutional right
- Shocking scenes in Manchester show the sorry state of free speech in Britain
- Who decides if unborn lives matter?
- Alabama’s largest hospital pauses IVF treatments after court rules embryos are children
- RECLAIM: a baby who survived, and an interesting conversation with a doctor
- ‘Aborting our future’: 10,000 abortions in 2023, new figures suggest
- Sufficient supports already in place to die with dignity, HSE tells final Oireachtas meeting
- Euthanasia for mentally ill in Canada delayed until 2027 as ‘health system not ready’
- Pro-life prayer vigils held as more hospitals plan abortion services
- Medical Council denies removal of "deliberate killing" is "paving the way" for future change
- Irish Medical Council drops ban on deliberate killing of patients
- Rotunda Master “can’t remember" last time abortion protest took place outside hospital
- Exposing unborn babies to language in the womb could influence language learning later in life
- Legal “assisted dying” would cause “incorrect deaths,” committee hears
- No clinically significant adverse events after abortion pill reversal — Australian study
- “Only safeguard is not to introduce assisted suicide" geriatric care expert tells Committee
- The convicted murderer who helped an Irishman die by assisted suicide
- Safe Access Abortion Zones Bill passes by 117 votes to 10
- Martin: Hospitals required to offer abortion not doing so is "unacceptable"
- Elon Musk's comment on abortion provokes interesting response on X
- Interpreting our abortion data: there is no substitute for common sense
- "More broken promises": At-home abortions made permanent, Department confirms
- Abortion Review Chair accused of getting "basic facts wrong" at Oireachtas hearing
- Britney Spears reveals “agonising” abortion she had while dating Justin Timberlake
- Bike ride in honour of Baby Luca raises thousands for sick babies
- Euthanasia is rejection of a fundamentally important ethical norm against intentional killing
- "Indifferent" response from Minister Stephen Donnelly over EU allowing sale of human embryos
- NI’s abortion censorship zones will further foster culture of silence and secrecy
- Isable Vaughan Spruce: Police drop investigation into woman praying outside UK abortion clinic
- "Time to think": 2,623 women did not return for abortion after 3-day wait in 2022
- Removing the three-day reflection period from our abortion legislation will cost more lives
- Major new Report confirms abortion conflicts among fetal medical specialists
- Assisted Suicide and Euthanasia: pharmacists must also have the right to conscientious objection
- The Ethics of the Coronavirus Vaccines
- Bishops need to lead the way in ensuring ethical vaccine for the faithful
- Most liberal countries don’t allow assisted-suicide. Here’s why.
- My name is Christina and I am against abortion
- Why leading doctors oppose assisted suicide
- The bonkers world of Irish journalism
- Legalising assisted dying can actually increase suicides
- Countries with liberal legislation have higher rate of abortion for unexpected pregnancies.
- The Irish abortion report is a farce. How can it be a basis for reviewing abortion legislation in 2021?
- Spitting in the Face of Black America and Calling it Rain
- Eulogy for Dr. Robert Walley
- Huge variation in abortion rates in different parts of Ireland
- Abortions in 2019 on Irish residents
- I assured wary voters that Repeal would lower the abortion rate. I was wrong.
- NI Assembly votes against abortion regulations, opposes disability abortion
- HSE's mixed messages on abortion pill reversal
- Is voting prolife still relevant in 2020?
- The conscience clause allows gynaecologists to refuse to practice abortions
- Anti-Irish Racism and Britain's Legalisation of Abortion
- Why Amnesty and Others Are Demanding a Right to Foreign Funding to Push for Change in Irish Law
- The UN Declaration of Human Rights at 70 – from Shepherd to Wolf?
- Will the Government Continue to Show Compassion?
- John McGuirk's Brilliant Response to Abortion Campaigners on Twitter After the Referendum
- Quadruple Jeopardy for the Unborn Child
- Simon Harris and the Appalling Misuse of of the Tragic C Case
- Catherine Noone's Tweet and the Government's Failure to Do Their Job Instead of Pushing Abortion
- Stop the Spin on Abortion, Coveney
- Harris is Driving Abortion Agenda, but Asleep at the Wheel of the Healthcare Shambles
- 'Where Have All the Good Men Gone?'
- Maternal Care Will Radically Change if the Right to Life is Repealed
- 'The Times' Running Social Media Ads Targeting Pro-life Women with Pro-Repeal Stories
- Don't Repeal the Right to Life. Save the 8th.
- Why Looking to Northern Ireland Ignores the Reality of the 8th Being Repealed
- Abortion Is Not A Better Answer to Failures of the Past
- IFPA's own record shows SIPO it is campaigning on the 8th
- New Year resolutions for pro-choice advocates
- A Story of Life
- ROBBIE RUDD: The defence of life fights ideologies
- Marie Stopes and their despicable abortion practice. When will the media report the truth?
- Why all the surprise at the result of the US Election?
- Fact checking the Journal's fact checker on abortion
- Gosnell Movie-maker puts reality at heart of abortion debate