Posts by Niamh Uí Bhriain
- Election shows adherence to strong principles is not a problem for voters
- WATCH: Lib Dems leader 'sceptical' of assisted suicide after his mum's cancer battle
- 3 maternal deaths in week: Govt failing to prioritise pregnant women, says advocate
- Professor says Medical Council removal of ban on deliberate killing was "under the radar" process
- RTÉ Investigates turns a blind eye to 38,000 babies aborted and other grim realities
- Why are the media ignoring the abortion scandal that almost killed a woman?
- Limerick: woman who was prescribed abortion pills had life-threatening ectopic pregnancy
- An obsessive focus on abortion hasn't stopped women dying of sepsis in Irish hospitals
- Pro-life frontline organisations must be supported as abortions surge
- With a health service in chaos, why is Donnelly's priority abortion?
- Doctor says freedom of conscience on abortion must not be barrier to hiring
- What an atheist told the Oireachtas Committee about assisted suicide External
- Donnelly's utter failure to address abortion surge laid bare in response
- TDs know well that Abortion Zones Bill is based on false claims
- Down Syndrome activist says Rotunda doctor should 'go back to school'
- Watch: This amazing video shows Spina Bifida operation on unborn baby
- Our spiralling abortion rate is a national tragedy the media want you to ignore
- Good news: abortion pill reversal may work 81% of time
- Assisted suicide in Canada's accounted for 7% of Quebec deaths in 2022
- WATCH: Abortion review failed to talk to even one woman who had changed her mind in 3-day wait
- 5 years since repeal: 5 reasons we were right to vote no.
- TDs need to be reminded of promises they made in abortion referendum
- Govt review confirms babies are being born alive after abortion in Ireland
- Post-Roe, pro-lifers in U.S. take the lead in supporting women
- We must resist calls to scrap three-day waiting period for abortion
- New pro-life Billboards making a big impact: 21,000 aborted
- If it’s not a crime to kill a newborn child, what use is the law?
- PR: Malice and a desire to punish pro-lifers behind push to criminalise prayer vigils at abortion
- A new energy and defiance as we fight to retain life-saving three day waiting period for abortion
- Abortion for Down Syndrome babies from Ireland has tripled since 2018 referendum
- Woman offered Assisted Suicide for "abject poverty" as she couldn't get housing for her disability
- How did together for safety know when abortions were taking place in Limerick?
- LISTEN: Horrendous abuse received by pro-life women
- Poland stands strong as pro-life stance is attacked
- Abortion pills at home: what the government isn't telling you
- Legalising abortion has not made pregnant women any safer
- 3 years after repeal, here's 5 reasons I'm glad I voted No
- It would take a heart of stone to refuse a baby pain relief in late-term abortion
- The Abortion Review – what you can do to prevent a whitewash
- Assisted Suicide bill now looks on shaky ground
- 7 reasons for Pro-Life Hope this Christmas
- Bravo Poland: Finally a country that stands against the eradication of people with disabilities
- Gino Kenny doesn't seem to know what's in his own bill on Assisted Suicide
- The Blue Wave: a pro-life tide is sweeping South America and offers hope to Ireland
- COVID-19: We cannot allow care to be denied to older people and those with disabilities
- Remember the referendum denials? A shocking 1 in 4 babies now aborted in Britain, new figures show
- Meet the 10 babies born to our pro-life team since the referendum #ProLifeFuture
- HORRIFIC: A British court has ordered a forced abortion. So much for choice and women's bodily autonomy
- Abortion misdiagnosis: Couple did not fear caring for sick child
- On July 6th Stand for Life
- Babies aborted after misdiagnosis must not become just collateral damage to new regime
- Two women have died in Irish maternity hospitals since abortion was made legal, but Minister Simon Harris has cut funds to vital safety measures in order to pay for abortion
- Last week I was reminded of the resilience, hope and courage of the pro-life movement
- Robert Davi and the celebration of abortion
- Should we now no longer 'trust doctors' on abortion?
- What happens to the bodies? The question the media won't ask Harris on abortion
- Harris is wrong: evidence shows that people voted on the 8th not his bill
- Harris is fiddling for abortion while the health service burns
- Bully Tactics from Harris on Abortion May Backfire
- Our hearts are broken. But we will fight on, because no referendum can ever make abortion right.
- A Record-breaking Rally, Now Take that Energy and Momentum to the Doors to Save the 8th
- Fake news around pretend 'strike' for repeal is the norm for mainstream media
- A death sentence: How the abortion committee voted to legalise abortion
- What the Danish ambassador didn't say about Down syndrome and abortion
- The changing positions of Varadkar and Harris on Abortion
- Consequences of repealing the 8th
- Why is National Women's Council using my taxes for a political pro-abortion campaign
- Veronica O'Keane's bizzare claims show abortion committee not interested in evidence
- Mattie McGrath calls out Dr Fergal Malone: In response Malone attacks the evidence
- Rhona Mahony shamefully targets babies with a disability in abortion call
- The UN should be looking to follow Ireland's progressive and compassionate stance on abortion
- Stop the Fake News: It's not true that a woman was locked up for seeking an abortion in Ireland
- 6 proofs the Citizens' Assembly was a pro-abortion farce
- "Witches for abortion" and other abortion bus madness
- Human Campaign to reach 1 million people
- Is the Assembly a farce designed to justify a vote on killing unborn babies?
- Simon Harris has money for abortion compensation but not for homeless pregnant women
- Is Howlin's bill only targeting pro-life counselling?
- Let love shine through: What we can learn from #worldwithoutdowns
- I'm pro-life. So why am I forced to fund NWCI's abortion push?
- Mega-rich Americans are funding the abortion push in Ireland. Why?
- #Twowomentravel but the media ignored the baby that never came home
- Hysterics over repeal the 8th mural reveals deluded thinking of abortion campaigners
- Mick Wallace's abortion bill marks babies with a severe disability as less than human
- No one actually cares what the UN say abortion - or anything else
- Abortion push by Irish President's wife an appalling abuse of power and privilege
- Abortion pill pushers put women's lives in danger
- Politicians in Stormont showed courage on abortion issue - we should ask the same of those seeking the Dáil
- Volkswagen should distance themselves from Ray D'arcy's pro-abortion agenda
- 6 things you need to know about the Belfast Court abortion ruling
- Obscenity of minister for children calling for abortion
- Why Amnesty's pro-abortion video with Liam Neeson got such a massive thumbs down from the public
- At least $18million from abroad is funding a massive abortion push in Ireland. This is not a fair fight.
- Huge media push for abortion fails to build grassroots support
- Attempts to write the baby out of the abortion debate won't succeed
- Here's why the Irish branch of Planned Parenthood won't be asked about selling body parts
- 30,000 strong: Why it's so important that the rally for life crowd doubled expectations
- Expose Amnesty's support for the human rights abuse that is abortion