Posts by Megan Scallan
- Pro-Life Free Speech Victory: California to pay over $190k to settle lawsuit
- Kelly Osbourne praises motherhood as “the best thing that has ever happened to me”
- Becoming a mother, as a pro-life activist
- “I bring these sacred souls to the earth” Mrs. America 2023 winner gives passionate pro-life witness during pageant
- APPALLING: UK Independent praises young woman for documenting “brave” at-home abortion in viral TikTok video
- How Malta pro-lifers successfully stopped abortion
- How much more abortion can PBP possibly want?
- Woman arrested and charged for ‘thoughtcrime’ of silent prayer near abortion clinic
- How the pro-abortion movement is fueling ableism and discrimination
- BARBARIC: Montana votes against medical attention for infants born during failed abortions
- ‘Vicious’: man BITES pro-life supporter at event commemorating death of 4,136 babies
- “Stop Abortion Violence”: Precious Life hold Life Chain at Belfast City Hall to remember 4,136 babies killed
- RIGHT TO LIFE of mother with depression VIOLATED when doctor EUTHANIZED her, rules European Court of Human Rights
- Yes, banning abortion does impact abortion rates
- What this pro-life victory over prayer bans in GERMANY means for Ireland