Protecting Human Life
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When does human life begin?
Life begins at the moment of conception. A 2018 University of Chicago study of 5,502 biologists reported that 95% of the respondents 'affirmed the biological view that the human’s life begins at fertilization'. In recognising the significance of this moment, scientists agree that the biological components of life, the sperm and the egg, combine to produce a unique human being with his/her own unprecedented and unrepeatable genetic code.
However, some scientists also consider the human embryo as a legitimate object of biological manipulation. Claiming to act for the good of humanity, they exploit the unborn child as a mere storeroom for stem cells, stripping them away for ‘spare parts’ and killing the child in the process.
Making and destroying life in this way is intrinsically and morally wrong, as well as bad science. Recent research further shows that adult stem cells are a more beneficial method of treatment. The Mother & Child Campaign vigorously opposed those Irish MEPs who supported the use of European Union funds for embryo research. We have also successfully fought off an attempt to remove constitutional protection from pre-implanted embryos and continue to closely monitor developments which may threaten the protection of human life from conception.
- See more on human life here in the Learning Centre
Project Example: Life Begins at Conception
The first nationwide advertising campaign in Ireland to focus on the creation of human life.
The campaign created public awareness of the need to protect human life from the moment of fertilisation and the immorality of embryo research.
Advertising billboards carried the campaign message across the country. Our leaflet explained the issues to more than 150,000 people and created a new understanding of the abuses of embryo and embryonic stem cell research.
This booklet really opened my eyes to the abuses of human life”
Maria Kavanagh, mother
The Right to Life
Every child is a new life that has intrinsic value from the moment of conception. That's why abortion is always wrong. The most amazing ‘fact of life’ is that a baby is a new and unique individual from its first appearance in the womb.
Whether it is a he or a she, has curly hair or will come up with the fastest sprint in the class, much is decided in the early stages of life. The nine months in the womb simply allow the little human time to grow and get ready for birth. Sadly, some children never get beyond the womb, owing to the intervention of the abortion industry.
The Life Institute is dedicated to making Ireland abortion-free and ultimately working toward abortion becoming culturally unthinkable. As such, we work to protect mothers, fathers, babies and society from the corrosive evil of abortion. Our promise is always to be uncompromisingly pro-life, in all circumstances.
Project Example: Never a Need Campaign
An all-inclusive campaign using mass media, billboard, and bus advertising, information booklets, and public meetings.
Presenting to the Irish people the medical facts which prove that there is never a medical need for abortion.
Billboard and bus advertisements reinforced the message being carried by media interviews and information booklets. The campaign dispelled the myth that abortion was a medical necessity.
This campaign is badly needed. You have done women a real service”
Cliona Donnelly, nurse

End of Life Issues
Since every person’s life is of intrinsic value, the Life Institute argues that the right to life exists from conception until natural death. In this context, euthanasia is understood as a practice that deliberately hastens the end of a person's life by action or omission. As such, we argue, it undermines the sick, the elderly, and the vulnerable by asserting that that their lives are in effect no longer be worth living.
The Life Institute opposes euthanasia because it involves the deliberate killing of a human being in a way that debases the value of the lives of sick, vulnerable, and elderly people; and puts doctors in the role of killers. The experience of other jurisdictions, such as the Netherlands, is that once euthanasia is legalised, the number of people being killed by involuntary euthanasia – death without the patient’s consent – continues to rise.
Our advert ran in major national and local newspapers and complementary leaflets were also distributed in targeted areas.
Project Example: Stop Euthanasia
An advertising campaign using newspapers and other media.
In 2009, the Life Institute (then the Mother and Child Campaign) produced the first Irish advertising campaign opposing euthanasia. This followed moves by the EU Parliamentary group the Alliance of Liberals and Democrats for Europe (ALDE) to promote euthanasia across all EU member states. It also referred to the decision by the HSE to invite euthanasia campaigner Len Doyal to Cork University Hospital to lecture doctors and nurses on ‘Why Euthanasia Should be Legalised’.
The advert ran in major national and local newspapers, and complementary leaflets were also distributed in targeted areas.
Thank you for running this message. It’s good to see someone speaking out against the view that sick people or the elderly are a burden.”
Tom, retired teacher, Cork