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NIAMH UÍ BHRIAIN: Candidates are told that there is a price to pay - mostly from the media - for being forthright about strongly-held principles on issues like immigration or abortion. But voters know holding fast to your beliefs is something to admire.
The leader of the LibDems said he remained a "sceptic" regarding assisted suicide, referencing his own mother’s battle with bone cancer where he said palliative care allowed her to “enjoy life and be with us”.
Every Life Counts
WATCH: Niamh Uí Bhriain on Niall Boylan Show re SPHE
An Australian midwife has testified before a parliamentary inquiry that babies are being born alive after abortions who struggle to live for up to five hours as they are left to die.
The Life Institute has called for a special task force to be established to tackle what it described as a “spiralling abortion rate”, saying that the government must “wake up” to the fact that abortion numbers have more than tripled since 2018.
LAURA PERRINS: "The silence over these latest three maternal deaths is deafening, shocking, and telling. Its obvious that securing abortion on demand was more important than providing safe and effective care for pregnant women."
After three deaths around childbirth have taken place within a week in Ireland, according to reports, a midwife has said is “clear from recent events that the government is not prioritising maternal safety”.
Taiwan is currently enduring a wave of school closures brought on by their crippling low birth rate. Is that in store for Ireland?
As soon as we set up our pro-life table on the streets of Dublin last weekend, we had two women approaching us, fascinated by the baby models.
A mum from Hertfordshire has shared how her unborn child was diagnosed with a heart defect during her 20-week scan. Doctors had advised her and her partner to abort, however, they chose life for their baby, who is now happy and healthy after his heart defect “miraculously” vanished when he was just 5 days old.
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