In 1967, David Steele led the crusade to liberalize British abortion laws on the basis of specific circumstances, such as mental health.  The determination process for abortion was meant to be monitored by the medical profession.

Instead, abortion on demand inched its way into British society. Every year 200,000 abortions occur in Britain. That adds up to 7 million babies whose lives have been cut short by abortion.

Lord David Steele admits “I never envisioned there would be so many abortions” and “… it would be a mistake to try and legislate for abortion in categories …” 1



Every day 600 abortions take place in Britain 2

  • In 2011, the number of repeat abortions rose by almost 4,000 compared to the previous year (2010) 3
  • An English study revealed that 94 percent of babies with Down Syndrome are aborted 4
  • In 2012, The Daily Telegraph exposed abortion clinics across the country offering illegal sex-selective abortions to women 5
  • According to a government report, in one year 66 babies were left to die after a botched abortion 6



In December of 2011, abortionist DR. PHANUEL DARTEY, was stuck off the register after being convicted of misconduct relating to the treatment of five women, including one from Ireland.  The abortionist perforated the Irish woman’s uterus, left fetal remains inside of her and then sent her home. Upon returning to Ireland, she was brought to the hospital and remained in critical condition for two months.  Gabrielle Malone, manager of Marie Stopes Reproductive Choices in Dublin confirmed that the Ealing Centre, where Dartey worked, was on the list of recommended abortion clinics. 7, 8

After feeling ‘coerced’ by hospital staff at MACCLESFIELD GENERAL HOSPITAL into aborting her 21 week old daughter with Down Syndrome, an unnamed woman delivered her baby alive.  When the botched late-term abortion was completed, she was handed her daughter in a cardboard box and the staff never offered any assistance. An incubator was eventually brought into the room, but never switched on.  One nurse told the mother after her daughter died, “The baby was not really alive. She was just having reactions.” 9

ALESHA THOMAS, was fifteen years old when she died from a toxic bacteria caused by an abortion.  An electronic prescription for antibiotics, which is standard aftercare, was issued to her thirty-five minutes after she had left the clinic.  Two different nurses failed to check Alesha’s online notes after her mom contacted them about her daughter’s deteriorating health.  The notes would have revealed that antibiotics were never dispensed.  Dr. Peter Pauk, who preformed Alesha’s abortion, admits that prescriptions are commonly forgotten at the clinic. 9



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