Name: Baby Tia
Age: 2nd Trimester - 5 Months
Sex: Female
Date: 1992
Place: Buffalo, New York
At 5 months gestation, Baby Tia's mother was given a suppository synthetic hormone to induce labour. Baby Tia was killed by her mother's intense uterine contractions. The abortionist gave Tia and other aborted children to a pathologist for elimination in a commercial garbage disposal.
The pathologist, a new Christian was stricken in conscience and gave Tia to Rev. Robert Schenck of Buffalo, New York for a proper burial. While in his care, Tia's body was cared for by a mortician and physician who had compassion for her.
Rev. Schenck soon learned much to his sorrow, that New York cemeteries would not approve Tia's burial without a death certificate, and while most states require a certificate for aborted children, the requirement is rarely met with "cash only" abortions. Rev Robert Schenck and his brother Paul, also a minister, were unable to provide legal burial for Baby Tia.
Heartstruck by the thoughtless chants and hostile rhetoric of pro-choice advocates, the Schencks boldly displayed Tia to the media and the world during the 1992 historic "Spring of Life" in Buffalo, New York. In the process, violent pro-abortion demonstrator mutilated Tia by clawing her head and throwing her to the ground.
The incident resulted in the Schenck brothers arrest. When asked why, the arresting officer said, "I do not know." In the following weeks, the charges were amended several times and eventually dropped.
An Erie County medical examiner seized Tia's remains and following an autopsy, prounced her "a human body" and "a stillborn." As to the cause of death, he refused an answer. He also denied Rev. Schenck further custody of Baby Tia.