History: 2003
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Projects in 2003
Some of the projects undertaken in 2003
Commission for Assisted Human Reproduction
The Commission for Assisted Human Reproduction held a conference in Dublin Castle and members of both YD and M&CC attended to make representations from a pro-life perspective. The speakers advocating embryo research got significant opposition from conference attendees – but the intentions of the CAHR were made perfectly clear by their choice of guest speakers which included the infamous Baroness Warnock, a UK campaigner who favours euthanasia for premature babies as well as embryo research
We also assisted many people in making their pro-life views known in writing to the Commission.
Early Human Life Campaign

Our information campaign on Assisted Human Reproduction also came into full swing with M&CC organising meetings on the issue all over the country. A booklet on Early Human Life and Ethical Issues was also produced to accompany the campaign and over 100,000 copies of this booklet were distributed and another 200,000 of a more comprehensive leaflet was distributed door-to-door.
In July, the M&CC launched a campaign against the funding by the EU of abortion services in Third World countries by providing funds from the EU budget to organisations that promote abortion throughout the world.
Submissions and Documents
M&C and YD made submissions to the Commission on Human Reproduction, the Crisis Pregnancy Agency, and the Irish Council of Bioethics. All of these are available on our website along with other valuable documents and papers that were written this year.
Campaign against Embryo Research
October and November were dominated by a campaign against embryo research, in particular, the vote taking place in the European Council which would sanction the funding of embryo research in the EU under the Sixth FrameWork Programme. The campaign was marked by leaflet drops, a month-long picket on the offices of Mary Harney and the Progressive Democrats, organizing to get thousands of lobbying phone calls made to Harney’s offices, and a large media campaign.
M&CC and Youth Defence also organised a series of public information meetings across the country on Early Human Life and Reproductive Issues addressed by the M&CC.
The contentious EU programme offered €300,000 for research into human stem cells, which would be harvested from “unwanted embryos” produced for in vitro fertilization
An Irish Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment briefing note dated September 11 2003 said research involving stem cells was a promising area of biotechnology that offered the prospect of developing new ways of treating serious chronic diseases.
"However, stem cell research raises ethical questions in those cases where the cells in question are derived from human embryos," it added. The briefing note said that Ireland did not consider it appropriate to object to such research being carried out in member states "where it is deemed to be both legal and ethical".
This attitude forces Irish taxpayers to fund research on human embryos in other EU states. Clearly this is a position adopted by the department without consideration of the views of the Irish people who have never approved of such measures.
On 6th November, a key Dáil committee voted to reject the European Commission proposal that EU funds be used to pay for embryo research. The Joint Committee on Enterprise and Small Business also agreed to ask the Tánaiste, to attend the committee and explain the Government's decision to back the EU Commission's view, which favoured funding embryo research.
On the 19th of November 2003, at the European Parliament's plenary session, MEP's voted in favour of research on human embryos. However, it was the vote of the Council of Ministers on the 27th November 2003, which was to be the deciding vote. The vote was postponed until 3rd December 2003 after Portugal came up with a compromise agreement which was still unethical.
This is how the Irish MEP’s voted on Wednesday 19th November 2003.
Against Funding of embryo research
Dana Rosemary Scallon (IND), Niall Andrews (FF), Gerard Collins (FF), Brian Crowley (FF), Jim Fitzsimons (FF), Liam Hyland (FF), Patricia McKenna (Green), Sean Ó Neachtain (FF), Nuala Ahern (Green)
For Funding of embryo research
Mary Banotti (FG), Pat Cox (IND), John Cushnahan (FG), Proinsias De Rossa (LAB), Avril Doyle (FG), John McCartin (FG)
MEP Dana Rosemary Scallon opposing the measure said this was the first time that the European Union had attempted to fund research into an area which was illegal or unconstitutional in any member state.
Mother Teresa
Lastly M&CC printed thousands of special posters to mark the Beatification of Mother Teresa. This poster and accompanying prayer card were so popular that we had to increase our print runs twice.