History: 2020
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Projects for 2020
Campaigns undertaken year 2020
Patriots - The Untold History of the Pro-life Movement in Ireland
This must-read history of a movement that saved hundreds of thousands of lives made a major impact in 2020. Jonathon Van Maren believes that the pro-life movement, which is so often demonised and mischaracterized by a biased media, needs to start writing its own stories, and recording its own history.

Rally for Life 2020
40,000 watch events LIVE. Up to 400,000 were reached in total.
The Rally for Life 2020 was a resounding success – and became a whole Rally Festival online! Just before the Rally took place, the government reported that a truly horrific 6,666 abortions had taken place in Ireland in 2019. Although the main Rally was moving online because of Covid-19 restrictions, it was wonderful to see local Rallies for Life take place in 34 different locations across the country. The message was seen nationwide and powerfully reached hearts and minds. Read more here...

Stop Late Term Abortion
Late-term abortion is a reality in Ireland - and babies are being left to die if they survive.
Our powerful CAMPAIGN is making the horrific truth known – with our videos from Niamh Uí Bhriain and Tim Jackson already reaching more than 100,000 people, and a target set for 1,000,000 views.

Stop Late Abortion Campaign
We held PUBLIC VIGILS across the country on December 5th, including at TDs’ offices. We’re building this Stop Late-Term Abortion Campaign daily, and are planning major awareness and publicity events to shine a light on the horror of what’s happening to babies. Postcards are being sent to the Minister for Health demanding action, and we’re working around the clock to grow public opposition and stop this appalling and brutal practice.Read more here...

Don't Assist Suicide Campaign
In 2020 we built a vitally important and badly-needed campaign against Assisted Suicide.
The public conversation is now shifting towards the evidence – which is very much against Assisted Suicide. Public opposition is rising and being heard. 2,100 doctors have come out strongly against Assisted Suicide, with Palliative Care Consultants polling 88% against ending lives. Media reports suggest more TDs are now expressing serious concerns regarding Gino Kenny’s bill seeking to make Assisted Suicide legal.
Superb ‘Do No Harm’ conference
Presenting evidence for Don't Assist Suicide Campaign
We produced two clear and compelling factsheets, and a powerful and convincing leaflet explaining the Case against Assisted Suicide. As Covid lifts, our wonderful volunteers will get these to hundreds of thousands of people, changing hearts and minds. Read more here...
Powerful Video Testimonies
Informing TDs – And Helping People To Make Their Voices Heard
Assisted Suicide has not received the same amount of attention or public discussion as abortion – but it, too, ends the life of vulnerable people and harms their right to life. Read more here...
Abortion Pill Reversal
Rescuing babies even after an abortion pill has been taken. Read more here...

Website launched, leaflets ready, superb video testimonies heard by 100,000+ women. Best of all – babies saved!
Videos That Speak To Women – And For Life
Medical Experts tell women how the abortion pill CAN be reversed.