History: 2021
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Projects for 2021
Campaigns undertaken year 2021
Vigil for Life: Be part of it in 2022
Every year, on the week of the Rally for Life in July, Vigils for Life are held in churches around the country. These beautiful services bring prayerful hope and an opportunity for thanksgiving for all those attending and watching online. If you would like to organise a Vigil this year, let us know. Read more here...

Rally to Rethink Abortion at Dail Eireann
Rally to Rethink Abortion was held at Dáil Éireann on October 22nd. Hosting the rally mid-week meant TDs were sitting in the Dáil to hear the powerful speeches and testimonies. It also meant they heard the live sound of an unborn baby’s heartbeat as the ultrasound echoed the sound of baby Francis around Kildare Street on a cold October’s evening. The voice so often missing from the abortion debate was heard. Read more here...

Ireland's fall: The Abortion Deception
Described as “compelling, enlightening, moving, heart-breaking and eye-opening", the documentary, Ireland’s Fall: The Abortion Deception was aired to acclaim in September.
The film, presented by Tim Jackson, examined the media campaign, fake narratives, and the extraordinary and undemocratic outside interference, which all combined to see Ireland’s pro-life culture overturned. Read more here...

Rethink Rally
NATIONWIDE with hundreds of thousands seeing the billboards and social media messaging. More are planned for 2022.

Rethink Abortion Billboard
These striking billboards ran in Dublin, Cork, Galway, Kerry, Wicklow, Waterford and elsewhere in the country for the first two weeks of October, and others are being planned over the coming months. The high-profile and high-impact placement of the most prominent billboards meant they reached a maximum audience with the message.

Gript Media
An astonishing 12 million reads on Gript.ie, 20 million views on news videos PLUS 9,000 news articles and videos plus podcasts and features produced.

The Abortion Review: Making your voice heard
The pro-life movement and broader public alerted and activated to fighting the obvious attempt to make the Abortion Review a whitewash. Thousands of contacts were made. When abortion was legalised in Ireland, the government undertook to carry out a review of the legislation every 3 years. Thanks to your persistence in contacting TDs, the Health Minister has stopped dragging his heels and the public has a date for making a submission to the Abortion Review. Read more here...
Abortion Inquiry
The potential to expose the abortion regime to the nation
You see, abortion supporters – including the State and the media – will do EVERYTHING in their power to hide the truth about this brutal abortion regime.
That’s why we’re establishing the Abortion Inquiry and involving top legal and medical experts to help our investigation. A yearly report will hold the regime to account.
We will gather the experiences of:
• Women who have undergone an abortion
• Families who have felt pressured or pushed towards abortion after a diagnosis of a disability
• Whistleblowers who wish to report what they have seen happen in abortion centres
• Medical Professionals whose right to conscientious objection is not being respected.
Rally for Life 2021 - Online Rally
The virtual rally took place on Sunday July 3rd, thank you to everyone who tuned into the online Rally for Life on and helped promote the message of life. With superb speakers including Dr Anthony Levatino, a former abortionist, and young pro-life leaders from Ireland and across Europe, whose testimonies continue to attract tens of thousands of views on social media.

Rally for Life - Local Rallies
The Rally for Life is now the primary pro-life event of the year, and this year 55 local pro-life rallies gave witness to a powerful pro-life message right across the country on July 3rd. It was amazing to see the strong turnout as pro-lifers everywhere called out the lie that promised abortion would be “rare” and promised to always Stand for Life.

Assisted Suicide is pushed back
In July, we joined with doctors, disability rights activists, and many others, to welcome the good news that the Oireachtas Justice Committee has comprehensively rejected the bill which sought to legalise Assisted Suicide in Ireland. It is a significant achievement for everyone who worked to protect the vulnerable, the elderly and the sick from a push to endanger their lives. Read more here...

College Of Psychiatrists Rejects Assisted Suicide
In December, the College of Psychiatrists in Ireland issued a stark warning against legalising Assisted Suicide, saying it could place vulnerable patients at risk and cautioning that such deaths are often not peaceful, “may be inhumane”, and may result in “considerable and protracted suffering.”
They also said that Assisted Suicide is not compatible with good medical care. The position paper from the College strongly opposing Assisted Suicide also reflects equally staunch opposition from other medical bodies including palliative care experts. Read more here...
Candle for Life by Young Pro-life
Speaking out in a hostile environment with courage and compassion AND raising up a new generation for LIFE. Young pro-life leaders are gathering activists together to get back out on the streets and into the public square. They’re raising up a new generation to rebuild the culture – and their courage is admirable.

Young people took the leading in marking three years since the fall of the 8th, in poignant and powerful events like this at the Dáíl, and in joining pro-lifers across the country together to light a candle for LIFE on May 25th. A moment’s silence and prayer was also offered for all the children lost to abortion.
Building the Pro-life Message on Social Media
Impact: millions of views and engagements on our world-class prolife messaging. With your help, Life Institute has become a leading global source of pro-life information.

Every Life Counts - Saving Very Sick Babies From Abortion
An organisation offering life-saving frontline work which is irreplaceable. More than 1 million NEW views on social media videos and messages in 2021.
In 2021, 40 families were supported in carrying their baby after learning their child had a severe life-limiting condition: with 25 families receiving direct support and another 15 supported through requests by midwives or care providers. Care packages were sent to families to help them let love shine through.

Information packs sent by request to maternity hospitals – and 2 new information leaflets designed and produced. And beautiful tiny christening gowns and knitted goods were handmade for 8 families. We also remembered 83 babies with our annual memorial service. More than 1.2 MILLION engagements on videos, live interviews and messages - a huge response to the beautiful, life-affirming message of Every Life Counts.