History: 2023

Projects for 2023

Campaigns undertaken in 2023

RECLAIMING the culture: Young Pro-Life Leaders Take The Lead

IMPACT: A breakthrough in raising up courageous young pro-life leaders

It has been a packed and fruitful year for the courageous young people who are committed to rebuilding the culture - and reclaiming the public square in the abortion debate.
Workshops were held at the Life House in Dublin - and also at a Youth 2000 prayer meeting in Cork, at a Pure in Heart gathering, and a packed youth conference.


May 25th: We Remember Them

On May 25th each year, we remember all the babies who have been killed by abortion – and the mothers who have been failed by a cruel and careless government who are wilfully blind to the harm abortion causes women.


ALIVE AND KICKING: Our campaign to show the wonder of unborn human life BEFORE 12 WEEKS

IMPACT: A profoundly important campaign to show the baby before 12 weeks is a living, growing, human being. It is a vitally important counterpoint to the relentless media denial that the thousands of babies aborted each year are human beings. 


Rally For Life 2023

IMPACT: As thousands pack Dubin city for the biggest pro-life event of the year, we give voice to the timeless message that we will ALWAYS Stand for Life!


Rally For Life: Belfast 2023

IMPACT: A great turnout of pro-life peopleIn March we travelled in the snow for a superb pro-life gathering in Belfast and then marched in the sunshine in July for the Annual Rally for Life.


Rally For Life: Dublin 2023

One of the themes that came across so strongly at the Dublin Rally was that the resilience of the pro-life message would continue precisely because we are NOT aborting our future.

The future belongs to those who show up. It belongs to those who love all of their children and welcome each child as a gift. And so we come here today in hope. Not just in hope but in defiance, but also not just with hope but with pride.”


Men's Voices and Abortion

IMPACT: Men’s experiences have been all but silenced in the public de-bate on abortion. This project aims to change that and to bring a new understanding to this aspect of the sadness and loss caused by abortion.


Ongoing National Campaigns: Billboards and Save the 3-Day Wait

IMPACT: Urgent, immediate impact on a national level as we fight to keep the 3-day wait before abortion - and to grow public awareness of the deeply shocking rise in Ireland’s abortion rate. Our heartfelt thanks to all who took leaflets and distribut-ed them - and to everyone who made the billboards possible.


Abortion Inquiry - Evidence Now Gathered, Report Finalised

IMPACT: Trojan work brings this crucially important project to conclusion, and it will lay bare the horrific outcomes of the abortion regime.

It includes: Testimonies of families who felt pressured towards abortion – the reality of late-term abortion – experiences of women who have had abortions – an examination of attacks on conscious rights – the rise in Down Syndrome abortion – and much more.

Supporting Heroic Pro-Life Efforts At Local Level

We’re delighted to stand shoulder to shoulder with local pro-life activists who are raising up the pro-life issue on the streets, at vigils at abortion centres, and in the public square. Ní neart gan cur le chéíle. We provide the large, colourful, high-impact posters and other materials - get in touch!