History: 2013
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Projects in 2013
Some of the projects undertaken in 2013
Pledge Pro-life

We did it. We gathered 100,000 people who say they will never vote for Fine Gael again if they legalise abortion. Petitions were gathered online, door-to-door but mostly by every day street contact. It was a massive effort but it informed and motivated people!
Thank you for all the trojan work you’ve done in getting to this tremendous goal.
Read more about the Pledge Pro-life here

Rally for Life 2013

6th July 2013 saw the biggest pro-life event ever held in Ireland. 60,000 people walked through the city centre and up to Dáil Éireann, the week before the abortion legislation was debated in the Dáil.
Read more on Rally 2013 here
See photos from Rally 2013 here

Keep your promise 2012 - 2013

During Election 2011 Fine Gael promised they would not allow abortion to be legalised in Ireland.
But, on the 18th of April 2012, the Fine Gael Minister for Health, James Reilly, told the Dáil a different story. He claimed that a recent European Court which called for abortion legislation - needed to be “implemented as expeditiously as possible”. And Fine Gael have offloaded responsibility for the issue to a so-called 'expert group' who are expected to recommend abortion legislation.
Keep Your Promise saw local activists asking their local FG politicians to keep the promise they made in February 2011
Read more on the campaign here!
See photos of the local activities here
Pro-Life Blitz

Informing the pro-life majority: More than 4000 people have attended our public meetings around the country, and 20,000 copies of our Brief on the Hearings and the Abortion Bill have been circulated. Local campaigns are supported daily.
Unite for Life Pro-life Vigil
19th January 2013 on a freezing cold day, 30,000 people gathered at Merrion Square to tell Enda Kenny to the promise he made to the electorate not to legalise abortion.
A highlight of the massive Vigil was when Dr Eoghan de Faoite of Youth Defence phoned Enda Kenny live from the event, and 30,000 people chorused a message for an Taoiseach to 'keep his pro-life promise'.
The massive pro-life event went quiet as Dr de Faoite called an Taoiseach's constituency office, and Enda's voice could be heard asking the caller to leave a message.
Read more about Vigil for life here
See more photos of the Vigil here