
Women who have died: Lakisha Wilson

Lakisha Wilson a 22 year old a Mother of a 2 year old boy, has underwent an abortion killing her baby during the 2nd trimester of pregnancy.

Dr. Pierra- the abortionist who was ‘taking care’ of Lakisha continued the procedure even when Lakisha’s blood pressure began to drop dangerously while she was bleeding heavily. Lakisha suffered cardiac arrest and went into hemorrhagic shock and stopped breathing.

When the medical team arrived Lakisha was still on the operating table with Dr. Pierra trying to resurrect her with a child’s oxygen mask. By this point she has been not breathing for over 25 minutes. The paramedics were able to revive Lakisha, but then had to put her into a very small elevator sitting her down, the process of resurrection had to stop.

Lakisha died 7 days later. There was no rebuking for Dr. Perriera and a year later after the death of her patient she received a “George Tiller, MD, Abortion Ptovider Award” and was promoted.

R.I.P Lakisha Wilson & her baby